"I'll tell you when to stop."I said as I watched him flick through tv shows and movies.

"Ok, whatever you say."He said calmly.

"Stop!"I said. 

"Um Y/N I don't think this is good for you to watch it's scary."Jungkook said taking my hand in his. 

Jungkook's POV:

Of course she had to stop on a scary movie. She wanted to watch The Grudge. 

"I want to watch it."She said confidentially.

"Jimin are you sure you want to let her?"I asked him.  

"Yes, she needs to know what fear is sometime right?"Jimin said.

"Fine but I don't like this idea."I tole him with a small glare. 

"Shush just play it please."She said. I sighed as Jimin started the movie. I kept glancing at Y/N during the movie. As the first truly scary part was about to come up I kept my eyes on her. Suddenly the jump scare happened and Y/N let out an ear piercing scream. She immediately got in my lap and buried her face in my neck.

"Turn it off!"She shouted. Jimin turned it off.

"Y/N are you ok?"I asked her. 

"That was horrible who would ever like that!?"She shouted and whimpered. She was shaking and I could feel her hot tears turn cold against my skin.

"Come on lets go lay down for a bit."I said and picked her up bridal style. I carried her up to my room and sat in bed with her still in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.

"Jungkook, that was scary. I don't think I want to see another scary movie ever again."She said.

"You don't have to. How about next time will pick out the movie?"I suggested. She nodded and turned around to look at me. She looked beautiful with tears slowly cascading down her cheeks. Her eyes and nose where red. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."I shouted. Yoongi entered with a bowl of ice cream.

"I heard somebody watched their first scary movie and didn't like it."He said and gently handed her to bowl. She smiled at him and took a bite. Yoongi crouched down and wiped a tear from her cheek. For some reason I felt a need to show some sort of dominance so I put my legs around her a little tighter.

"Thank you!"She chirped at Yoongi.

"No problem, you just rest in here with Jungkookie until lunch time ok."He told her ruffling her hair. She smiled up at him and nodded. 

"Hey Yoongi, I left my phone on the couch will you bring it to me?"I asked him. He nodded and left. Until he returned I watched Y/N happily eat her ice cream. When he came back he handed me my phone.

"Thanks."I said taking it from him.

Y/N's POV:

After dinner I decided to take a shower so I went into the bathroom. I got undressed and turned on the shower just like Jin showed me. I stepped in and washed my hair. I looked down at my hand and realized that a loose strand of hair had stuck to my hand. I peeled it off my hand and held it under the water so it would go down the drain.

I watched the black hair go down the drain. Suddenly I remembered the movie. I started to panic. What if Kayako Saeki ripped open the shower curtain? I looked through the shower curtain and stared until I was convinced she was there. 

"JUNGKOOK!"I screamed. He was there to comfort me form her last time. Maybe he could help now. Tears started to stream down my face and I sunk to the floor against the wall. 

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