I answered it and it shattered my heart.

"Is this the sister of Journee Christina Johnson?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"Ms. Vasquez I'm sorry to tell you but there was a school shooting incident at LBJ high school involving your sister being injured," My heart fluttered from the words as a lump formed in my throat and tears escaped my eyes.

"Is.. Is she okay?" I asked.

"She is in critical condition, she shot in her abdomen just above her spleen,"

I dropped my phone and screamed. I couldn't lose Juju I would hang up my life to save my sister. I raised her, I was there for her when no one was. That was basically my child. I felt arms around me asking me what was wrong and I couldn't say anything. Someone picked up my phone.

"Someone get Chris," A manager yelled.

People were ordering others to find Chris and help me but I just wanted to hold my sister. I wanted to embrace her. Soon Chris ran in asking what happened and someone explained. He picked me up and held me.

"She'll be okay baby,"He cooed.

I let my emotions go havoc on him. I was angry for the lack of prevention from this. Our childern were terrorizing each other. We are having a epidemic of violence and the sorry excuse for a president wasn't doing anything to help us. This was too far, right after the Houston school my sister gets hurt. I wanted to leave now.

"Chris take me home," I demanded.

"We going baby, we going there now,"He said.

Everything after that was a blur. Rushing and packing and luggage and selfish fans. Everything was a fog of everything. I didn't realize I was home til someone packed me.

"We here," A sercurity guard said.

Fans blocked the entrance with yearning autographs and photos and we just ignored them. Once we got inside I ran to register.

"Journee Johnson," I said.

"Right this way,"She escorted me to a narrow hallway where my mom,Destiny, her mom, juju's boyfriend and her friends were. Including Christian's family who were good people.

I hugged everyone and sat down uneasy and which Chris walked in with a blanket and some chips. He sat next to me and lifted me to sit on his lap and let me fall asleep. Of course I cried myself to sleep but I woke up to happiness which gave me joy and hope.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She survived, She has lil stitch up but she's okay, as for mentally I advise threapy," He said making my mom's head nod. All of this made me wanna stay home even more.

I nodded feeling a sensation of relief and happiness. I pulled Chris into a deep hug and breathed a deep relief. I pulled away in looked at him with happiness and he pulled me into a kiss. It was breif since my family was in front of us.

"I knew y'all wasn't just acting no more,"Destiny said hitting her knee.

"What gave it away?"

Remedy •Chris brown• °COMPLETED°जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें