This is probably the worst condition I've ever had in my history of beating. Surviving in this state is slim. I'm probably going to die right at this moment in this very place; it would be either from blood loss or famine since they'll probably throw me out like a limp vegetable because I can't move.

My vision's getting blurry. The last thing I heard was a muffled faint sound before consciousness left my system.

"Brother! Did they do this to you again? Those bastards!"

I was brought back by a familiar voice.

Ha? Why is my sister here? She is supposed to be at school.

Wait, she followed me here?

"Don't worry, I already called the ambulance."

I could barely hear her voice. This girl really, what an idiot...

If Father finds out that you got yourself involved in this sh*tty mess again because of me, he will get extremely angry.

"I know who's behind this, I'll talk sense to them."

Are you seriously saying that? It is too dangerous, just let those bastards go! It won't do you any good involving yourself with them.

Didn't I tell you already not to do anything stupid in the future even if it concerns my safety?

Are you deaf or what?

"Put him on the gurney!"

Have you forgotten already?

"He is bleeding too much. Stabilize his condition."

The day, I left you to save myself.

You nearly died.

"Patient has lost consciousness."

"We got him, close the door now!"

■Some time later■

"Doc! There is a new patient. She is in a critical condition. Immediate brain surgery is needed! We need your assistance."


《Change of POV》

My body feels heavy. How long have I been sleeping? I wearing a hospital gown?

Uh? Yeah, that incident.

Remembering what happened, I immediately examine the room, looking for the presence of my brother but he is nowhere to be found. Not before long, the door opened and a nurse came in.

When she saw me sitting on my bed, she dropped her log book and hastily ran off panicking.

I didn't get the chance to ask her about my brother.

In a moment, the door opened again. And several nurses and doctors came in.

Why the hell are they all here making the room so crowded, There's a patient here, for god's sake!

"This is a miracle. She woke up." Said one of the nurses, followed by everyone's applause.

Okay, I'm not catching up on what's happening in here.

The doctor approached me and checked on my vitals, while doing so, he kept on nodding his head- maybe a good sign?

"All good. Two days of rest and she will be discharged." He said with relief on his face.

"That fast? This sure is unusual."

"Right, never encountered such a situation."

"Thus, she will be further monitored. Whatever cured her is truly miraculous at this point."

They all look baffled and surprised. Whatever it is, I am glad as long as I will get discharged soon.

My brother must be waiting for me at home.

"When will my brother visit me, Doc?" I asked.

The doctor sighed and put on his smiling face.

"This is a normal after-effect. She had undergone several brain surgery and woke up after ten years in a coma. With all those heavy procedures and less brain activity, the brain tends to make false memories to compensate for those times." The doctor explained to ease everyone's worries.

"And you don't have a brother, but you do have your parents waiting on you." He added, attempting to comfort me.

That can't be true. Are they purposely telling this to make ripples in my memory so I can completely forget my brother?

He might not be my biological brother but still, his mother has married father.

Father has been comparing me to my elder brother in everything I do good and my brother's so-called 'evil deeds'. Despite that, my brother has been always kind to me although I know that deep inside he does not like me, he still makes the best of what he can do as my brother.

Father doesn't even know what kind of person brother is. Yet, he despises him as if he's not his own.

Rather than being his only son, he is treated like a worker. He let him live in our house in return for taking a job as a houseboy. Mother also doesn't seem to care.

Even if brother is dying, they wouldn't even care to see him off.

All these memories aren't simply made up by my brain. This is not fake. I know that I have a brother.

Right, what was his name again? His name, his name, his name is..?

Why can't I remember his name?

"Miss Flear, your father is here."

Why all of a sudden, I can't remember anything about him?

"Miss Flear?"

Why can't I remember his face?






Wait, do I have a brother?

"Miss Flear? Are you feeling not well?"

"Miss Flear!"


I flinched back to reality as soon as I heard the nurse calling my name.

"Ah, sorry. What was it?" I asked again. I was too immersed in my thoughts, I wasn't able to listen.

"Your father is here to visit. He immediately left the US as soon as he heard this amazing news." The nurse said with a cracked voice. Her yell was really loud, I feel sorry now.

"Father," I called as he entered the room with a basket filled with different types of fruits. He immediately ran to me and gave me a huge hug leaving the basket to fall on the floor.

"The doctor told me. You just woke up and you are asking for a brother?" He said jokingly whilst picking the fruits that had fallen.

"Don't worry, you will have a younger brother to dote on. Take a rest now, your mother will arrive in a minute." He softly said as he arranged my blanket for me.

Yes, I think it's good to have a brother to dote on.

"Hmm." I hummed as I gently closed my eyes.

I woke up thinking I had an elder brother.

In the end, I realized that it was all a dream - a sad dream.

"Goodnight, Sis."



This story is under a major revision at the moment, which is why I have removed all the chapters and published those that have been revised.

Thank you for the support you've all given to me while making this book.

Stay safe and Healthy!

Reviving Destiny: The Transmigrator's Mission (Revised Version)Where stories live. Discover now