Chapter 48

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I knew it , I fucking knew she didn't just wake up one day and dump me for that fucker it was all faked he forced her into dating him just like he's forcing her to marry him can't they see what's going on here.

"Are you serious" I say into the microphone that was getting passed around as people wished them a 'happy life' as if.

"Can't you all see that he forced her , he admitted it himself and you all just look past it!" The room becomes silent and everyone's attention is on me , I could see a couple of people agreeing with me but my focus wasn't on them it's only on autumn.

"Autumn I get it now , I see why you didn't want to be around me it's because of him wasn't it he threatened you and made you do as he said" my eyes soften as I watch her look down to the floor avoiding the eyes that stare at her curiously.

Xzavier made his way through the crowd and grabbed her by the waist and laying his head in the crook of her neck , whispering something to make her smile again. I can't believe that he's manipulating her and they can't see that but I can I knew my autumn would never do something like this.

"Don't you touch her! You forced MY girlfriend to date you how pathetic could you be" I took a couple of steps forward until I was right in front of his fucking face.

"Watch your mouth or I'll have to do that myself" he says as if I'm suppose to be scared. Ha.

"Fuck you! Autumn baby come here it's okay he can't hurt you anymore I'll help you bab-"

"The fuck did you just call her! Excuse my language" he tells autumn's parents who stand there as if they didn't just hear that their daughter was forced into all of this.

"She will never be yours and yeah I did force her to date me then but what we have is real way more real then what you could have ever given her anyway I make her feel things you can't even imagine"

"Are you sure about that because if I need to explain the love me and Autumn had you wouldn't compare"

"Try me little boy" he was pushing it , I tried to refrain from hitting him but I don't know how long I could last.

"Autumn baby throw that ring off and let's leave it's clear that even your own parents can't see what kind of a monster he is" I give them a disgusted look before turning back to her.

"I will-"

"No I can handle this dad , Matt yes I was forced into this relationship but that only lasted a little while before I really had feeling for him and we are happy now I thought you knew that but it's clear that you aren't listening"

"You aren't happy autumn don't except this life for yourself when really it was forced. Have I ever forced you to do anything while we were together?" I question her.

"No but-"

"Have I ever made you feel uncomfortable within our relationship?"


"So why do you pick him huh. Why do you pick someone who forced you"

"Matt stop" she tries to calm down Xzavier but I really don't care I wanted him and everyone here to hear how much he's manipulated her.

"Why do this stalker can feel better about himself , your a fucking monster you know that. Forcing someone to date you when you could have had any girl in that school you go after the one who hated you, she despises you she told me so herself-"

I'm tackled to the ground and punch in the ribs causing me to couch a bit from the sudden impact. I struggle to get up from the floor but his weight was pushing on me u til I finally got out and stood up as did he.

Wiping my mouth a see a little blood , it wasn't bad compared to what I'm about to do now. Without warning I charge at him until autumn got in my way, she stood in between us holding her hands out to stop us.

"Kitten move"

"Don't tell her what to do. Baby can you please get out the way" I ask her.

"Both of you stop! I'm tired of the constant fighting , this was suppose to be my night but you both ruined it!" I heard what she was saying but I could wipe the angry look on my face off , just looking at him made my blood boil.

"Xzavier stop it Okay. Let's go" it hurt seeing her go to his rescue but she kind of had to seeing as he'll probably force her to do that as well.

"No kitten get out of the way I can handle him"

"Xzavier your not listening to me stop it" she begged him , tears now fell from her eyes but he held the same angry stare that I had also.

She then turned to me placing her tiny hands on my chest and looking me in the eyes. I couldn't stay mad at that face especially when she's crying like this , I hated seeing her like this.

"Matt please stop , if you care then let it go" I reluctantly nodded my head at her and took a deep breathe just for her sake I'll pick this up later when she's not around to stop me from kicking his ass.

"I'll s.... stop" I didn't want to say it but I did for my baby.

"Xzavier now can you stop"

"No I won't stop! I invited him here so I can show you I didn't have a problem with him and now he ruins our night hell no! I'm not letting him get away with shit anymore , move autumn!"


"Autumn now is not the time to get like this move"

She shakes her head and takes my hand leading me out of the door. I could hear him calling out to her but the way she ran I thought her life depends on it.

Once outside she finally stopped and the tears started to flow. I hugged her to my chest tightly not daring to let her go , he finally let me hold her after all this time of not being able to I'm happy at this moment.

"Get the fuck off of my girlfriend!"

Ugh him again.

"Dude it's clear she doesn't want you so go somewhere and mess up someone else's life"

"Autumn! Let's go"

"Xzavier you have to stop all this fighting this was a happy night , my night I was happy but now both of you fighting ruined everything!" A few people came outside to see what was happening but now all of them.

"Kitten im calm now come on!"

"Your not calm Xzavier stop being like this don't you trust me. I love you only don't you believe that" I squeeze her closer to me as those words left her mouth.

She didn't mean it she just wanted him to calm down.

"How am I suppose to when your all over your ex like this! No I don't trust you around him or anyone else who knows what can happen like last time with Jason-" he cut himself off , I furrowed my eyebrows confused a bit.

What did he mean with Jason? Isn't that his brother?

"I'm sorry kitten I didn't mean-"

"No you meant exactly that" she said calmly and leaving my embrace , I watched as she took a few steps towards him.

She took off both rings and threw them at him and walked away. I was so proud when I seen her do that, she's finally realizing it all.


"Let her leave son , she needs time to calm down" A tall man comes and grabs Xzavier's shoulder holding him back. Xzavier tired his best to get to Autumn but more people held him back.

"Autumn come back please! I didn't mean it kitten I didn't I promise!"

"Don't leave me! Let me the fuck go I need to get to her! Autumn I love you please come back, please!!!"

"Autumn!!!!" I smirk as I see him struggle and tears leak out of his eyes.

"Accept it she doesn't want you" I say before walking away and going after my baby. Oh how much I've missed her.

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Well Matt ruined that wedding😔

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