Chapter 12

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Jungkook saw Nicole move over the edge. He jumped with all his might and used every bit of his speed to reach Nicole. Nicole had already closed her eyes. Jungkook couldn't let her die. He reached her and put his body under hers. He shielded her body with his. Everything happened so fast for the naked eye to see.

Nicole felt her body being held by someone. She knew it was Jungkook, she held his hands that were around her waist. He was prepared for the smash on the ground. He could take all the hit but he couldn't let Nicole get hurt in this mess.

Within milliseconds, They landed on the ground. Jungkook took most of the impact. Nicole felt a slight of it. He groaned as he felt his back self heal. Nicole weakly moved off him and shook him. She said powerlessly "Jungkook..."

Jungkook slowly got up, he looked at
Nicole and put a hand on her face. He asked "Are you okay?" Nicole nodded and said "Are you?" Jungkook said "Yeah I'm fine." Saying this They both stood up.

The scarlet moon alpha growled at them. He Couldn't belive they survived that. Jungkook held Nicole close. The other werewolves said "Alpha Jungkook you are free to go now, you've won against another Wolf. According to the ancient rules we cant challenge you again."

Jungkook quickly picked Nicole up in his arms and sped off away from there.


Jungkook reached his packs camp. He saw Jimin from afar. Seeing him, Jimin raced towards Jungkook. Jimin saw that Nicole was sleeping soundly in Jungkooks arms. He held her as if she was something precious to him. She held onto his jacket and was snuggled onto him. Jimin couldn't help but smile to himself. He said "So how was the summit?" Jungkook walked towards his cabin and said "Not exactly good."

He placed Nicole on his bed and tucked her in. He stood by her bed and stared at her. He wondered what future they held. He suddenly thought what if he changed her, would she became his mate? He immediately shook the idea off. He cant do that to her, of course she loved her mundane life and wouldn't give it up for Jungkook.

Nicole slowly opened her eyes and sat upright. She realised she was in Jungkooks bed. She looked at Jungkook who was standing next to her. She said "Jungkook..." Jungkook bent lower to bear her clearly. She continued "Make me like you." Jungkooks eyes widened he said "What do you mean?" Nicole played with her fingers and said "I think if you change me then only i can be your mate." Jungkook put his hands on her face and caressed her cheeks using his fingers. He said "As much as i want you to be mine, my mate. I cant do that to you. I cant take your mundane life away. Our kind isn't exactly the best." Nicole protested "I don't care just do it!" Jungkook smiled at her and layed her back in bed saying "Sleep well."


Next morning, Nicole watched the younger werewolves training. She sat on a rock and watched them fight. She imagined how amazing would it feel to be this strong and fierce.

Jungkook stood next to her and said "Did you eat?" Nicole said "Yeah... this is so cool. I mean did you see how that girl jumped. Seriously." Jungkook said "Fine. Ill teach you how to do that." Nicole happily stood up faced him. She said "Oh yes! See I'm a tough girl." She showed him her barely there muscles. Jungkook chuckled at her, she made anyone around her feel happy. She was smart and wise, for a mundane she was very different he thought.

Jungkook suddenly felt his inner Wolf call out to him. The sweetest sent he had ever picked rang in his nose. His inner Wolf couldn't tame himself. The urge to embrace this scent made him go crazy. It was addicting. His eyes glowed and be felt his Wolf pur in happiness.

Nicole heard a howl close by to them. She looked at Jungkook who was frozen. He looked in the woods clearly at the direction of the howl.

Nicole stood close by him, but he seemed so different. Jungkook stared at the bush. Rustling of the bush came through.

A girl walked out, she had short brown hair, she looked strong and her eyes glowed golden. She stared directly at Jungkook.

Jungkook turned his body towards her but stood by Nicole. Jungkook eyes were still glowing. Nicole couldn't understand what was going on until Jungkook looked at the girl and said "Mate."

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