Chapter 2

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Nicole slowly opened her eyes, she looked around her and saw she was laying on a wooden floor. The room she was in was pretty small and mostly of wood. A little table rested on her left and a couch behind her. She heard murmurs outside the door ahead. "Her heart beats faster." "She's awake" "Call Alpha." Nicole rubbed her eyes, her head ached slightly. She recollected the thoughts of what had happened. Until she realised she was abducting by a really handsome werewolf.

The door clicked open, Jungkook walked in. Nicole recognised him and stood up, she was still not stable. She swang left and right. Her head was spinning like a top. Until she lost balance and was going to fall ahead. Jungkook immediate caught her and carried her to the couch. He made her sit and said "Are you still dizzy?" Nicole nodded and said "The man who is your friend, did he heal?" Jungkook was surprised at her question and said "What do you remember from last night?"

Nicole said "I know what you are, werewolves have been living around for a long time. I've heard of them but never met one, yesterday I was just scared, wasn't expecting such a encounter." Jungkook said "Now that you know our secret, we can't let you go from here. Your held captive."

Jungkook stood up and Jimin appeared outside the room. Jimin said "The council is ready, they are waiting for you and the mundane."

Jungkook said "Jimin get her to the council I'll be waiting." Saying this he left the room. Nicole was slowly gaining conciousness. Jimin helped her up and said "Put your arm around me, it will be easier to walk." Nicole obeyed him and walked outside the room. She noticed it was in between the forest. She looked at Jimin and said "You actually self healed." Jimin smiled and said "i guess you could say your a good doctor."

As they entered a little hut, everyone stared at Nicole. There were werewolves sitting on the left and right side with a gap in between. Ahead of them sat Jungkook staring at Nicole. Jimin walked her in between the crowd. He stopped A few inches away from Jungkook , Jimin told Nicole "Just stand here."

Nicole nodded. As Jimin sat next to Jungkook, one young teenage girl yelled from the crowd "This mundane knows the secret to our existence, I say we kill her!" The crowd roared in agreement. Another man yelled from the crowd "Her kind hunts our kind why should we spear her!" "She is pathetic and so is her kind!" "Death is what we wish." "Alpha we want justice!"

Suddenly Jungkook yelled "I decide what to do with her." The area went pin drop silent. The fear of their Alpha was clearly seen. Jungkook stood up, his presence itself was a blessed curse. He walked close towards Nicole, she stepped back in his fear.

Jungkook spoke looking at her "She May be a mundane, but she did save Jimins life. And Jimin isn't any ordinary wolf, he is my beta. My decision is we keep her a prisoner."

There was sheer sounds of sadness in the crowd. Two girls grabbed Nicole and took her back to the same room she woke up in. She threw her in and slammed it shut.

Nicole shivered in fear, she was hungry and cold, these wolves should've just killed her, she wondered why did Jungkook have mercy on her. She looked to her side and saw a plate, something mushy was kept. She was hungry and the colour of the brown paste wasn't exactly appealing. She slowly took a bite from the plate. As the food, touched her throat, she spat it out. It was disgusting. She curled in a ball and layed on the floor. She knew she would die like this in a few days, but the existence of werewolves was the most shocking to her. She couldn't help but think of Jungkook. A heartless yet complicated werewolf.

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