Canadian Catastrophe

Começar do início

(On the plane)

Chikorita: Hey Chespin, I've been meaning to ask you something.

Chespin: Go ahead. Anything

Chikorita: We have been dating for a while now...

Chespin: (paranoid) You're not gonna dump me are you?

Chikorita: What? No! How could you ever even think that? (Chespin shrugs) I was just wondering when we could meet each other's family!?

Chespin: What? F-family? Oh family doesn't matter.

Chikorita: Yes they do. I want my parents to meet you and I assume you'd feel the same?

Chespin: Ooh. I drank some water earlier, and now I really need to go to the bathroom. Sorry, be right back! (Leaves)

Totodile: Wow. That's pretty weird.

Popplio: Definitely weird.

Chikorita: Yeah... Wait were you guys eavesdropping? And didn't you do that before?

Totodile: Hehe. Whoopsies. What's that over there? (Leaves)

(In confessional)
Totodile: I don't mean to do it, I'm just really interested in learning about all these cool people.

Pichu: Hey Leafeon!

Leafeon: Oh, um, hey.

Pichuette: We're still twin pals right?

Leafeon: Um, definitely. (Sits next to them)

Glaceon: Hey where am I supposed to go?

Sylveon: Glaceon! Over here! (Glaceon moans)


Rhydon: Sooner or later, the flight takes off and makes its way to Canada. As does flight two. And in some time they finally arrive in Canada!

(Outside the airport)

Jolteon: Move, move, move!

Sylveon: Alright! I'm moving!

Vulpix: (Pichu bumps into her) Watch it! I just brushed my tail!

Pichu: Sheesh. (Rolls eyes) Sorry.

Totodile: (hyper) TAXI!!! (Gets a taxi and he and Popplio hop in) Here's the address driver. (The driver takes off)

Popplio: This is gonna be great! Just hope the syrup doesn't put us in a STICKY situation! (Laughs)

Totodile: (laughing too) Yeah! Hopefully it's not too syr-Cherubi! (Laughs) Get it? Like syrupy and Cherubi?

Popplio: (not really getting it, but still laughs) Oh yeah. I get it! (Pauses) Maybe we'll have to get syrup from a tree-co! (Laughs with Totodile when suddenly the driver shoves them out of the taxi) HEY! That wasn't nice!

(Team Confessional)
Popplio: How rude of that guy! My jokes are great and funny. The only person annoyed of them is Piplup, or so I think.

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora