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Gabriel leaned against the railing, smiling out at the ocean with a peaceful smile on his face. Sam clambered up next to him, even in the dim lighting he was still wary however, wary of someone seeing them.  

After a while, Gabe broke the peaceful silence. 

"Do, do you ever wonder if maybe there's something wrong wi-with people like us? Seeing how its so frowned upon."

Sam shrugged, eyes fixed on the water below. "I think that people will always have their own opinions, and that when a majority of people have the same one, everyone else will decide that it must just be the way life should be."

Gabriel sighed, strangely solemn, "so, we ar-aren't sick?"

Sam shrugged, "maybe we are, maybe we aren't, but I'm sick to death of always thinking of it as a bad thing, I mean, love is love, isn't it? I think people should be allowed to love who they want regardless of gender."

Gabriel smiled, leaning closer to Sam, "that rant was adorable."

Sam blushes, "do shut up."

"Make me." 


April 12th


Sam lay sprawled out on his bed, reading a book. Gabriel, having just finished a shift, was dozing next to him.

"Hey Sammy?"

"Mmm?" Sam absently replies, turning the page of his book.

"What are you gonna do in America? I mean, I know that you said you were helping set up a branch for your firm, but after that?"

Sam hummed thoughtfully, putting down his book and rolling onto his side to face Gabriel.

"Well, I guess I'll be going home to England, to my brothers."

"Ah, okay."

"Why do you ask?"

Gabe shrugged, "I don't know, I guess I was curious."

"What about you?"

Gabriel frowned thoughtfully, "I honestly have no clue, I guess I find more work on other ships so I can keep sending money back to my family."

Sam smiled softly, "you're a good brother."

Gabriel was silent for a moment, looking down at the sheets with a troubled expression. 

"Hey, are you okay?"

Gabriel shrugged, "I don't know, I mean, I just thought that... I mean, I hoped that maybe we wouldn't have to part ways."

Sam bit his lip, knowing exactly how Gabe felt. "Same, I had this delusional hope that perhaps... just maybe... we could but then I see how the world views are and, I don't know, I guess I just realize that what we want isn't always what we can have."

Gabriel nodded slowly. "How come you're so wise, and yet younger than me?"

"Shut up, idjit." Sam laughs, pulling Gabriel into a hug. "I'm not wise, I just have strong opinions on the world's views."

Gabriel snuggled into Sam and the two of them just lay there, content in the warmth of each other. They knew that once they reached New York they would be forced back into the harsh real world. But for now, everything was okay. 

"You know what would be nice?" Gabe's voice was soft.


"Well, should I get work on a ship going back to England... maybe I could help you and your brother's return to America." Gabriel tightened his arms around Sam. "And maybe we can get a nice little country home in the middle of nowhere... just the two of us."

Sam closed his eyes, smiling at the dream scenario. "Would we have a dog?"

"Definitely, and we would grow our own food so we wouldn't have to go into town all the time and face judgment...."

"We could be happy," Sam murmurs.

Gabriel hums happily. "I want that."

"So why don't we do it?"

Gabriel looked at Sam in surprise. "Wait, seriously? How?"

Sam shrugged. "We'd make it work, I don't know about you but I would fight for us and our dream."

"I would too," Gabe intertwines their hands, shifting out of the hug in order to kiss Sam softly. "I know we haven't known one another long... but I care deeply for you Samuel Winchester."

"I care deeply for you too, Gabriel Novak."

Gabriel snuggles back into Sam, a smile on his face. He couldn't wait to make their dream a reality. Already he could see them in their house, happy and together. With their dog, of course. 



Hey guys, so it's been a freaking long time since I last updated this... oops. Sorry for that but I do want to finish this, even if it takes me a while.

Sorry also for the short chapter but I wanted to publish something before I go to work on my non-fanfic WiP

Until next time!

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