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10th April 1912

2:30 pm

Sam tried to keep his eyes fixed on the horizon, but they kept on trying to go back to looking at the oddball man next to him. He was intrigued by this Gabriel Novak, the strange yet funny man was refreshing to talk to after the somewhat boring first-class men and woman he'd spent the day conversing with. Despite the weird informalities and odd behaviour, Sam found himself liking Gabriel, he could definitely see himself becoming friends with the shorter man. He glances at Gabriel and saw that he was still looking out across the water, eyes content and not seeming to care that half his body was still covered in coal dust.

Sam, for the first time in his life, started to feel as if his 'sickness' wasn't so bad. Maybe the world was wrong in the way they saw men who liked other men. Because Gabriel was making Sam feel more in their short time of knowing one another than any girl had in his entire life.

"So, Sammy, tell me about yourself, because I'm curious about how you came to be a first-class passenger when you're so different, which is a good thing by the way."

Laughing, Sam meets Gabe's eyes, ones that reminded him of sunlight through a glass of whiskey. "Well, my workplace sent me on this trip, apparently I have been chosen to spend a month or two in America to help set up a new office."

Gabriel grinned, "oh, so you're one of those big-shot businessmen, I'm surprised."

Sam finds himself laughing, oh how nice it felt to be able to be himself for once. "Yeah, I don't think so, the title 'lowly assistant to a big shot law firm' might suit me better."

"My, that is a mouthful," Gabriel bursts out laughing.

Sam's brows furrow momentarily, but then he was laughing as well, his eyes crinkling happily. Both men failed to notice how they seemed to subtly move closer to each other.

"So, are you from Britain? Because I could have sworn I heard a distinctly American twang in your accent."

Sam pursed his lips, shaking his head. "Well, my family is actually from America, Kansas in fact, but we moved over to London when I was 14 because our parents died so, so my Uncle, Lord Singer paid for us to be closer to them."

Gabriel looked like he wanted to say something, his mouth opening and closing several times before he decisively snaps it shut and looks up at Sam curiously.
"So, moose, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you? Because you are rather tall."

"Or maybe you are just really short," Sam grins teasingly, pushing his parent's death to the back of his head as he nudges the shorter man. "But to answer your question, I am 21."

"Wow, I feel so old now," Gabriel laughed. "25 in case you were wondering, and I must say, it has been a pleasure meeting you Mr Winchester."

"Likewise, Mr Novak," Sam couldn't stop grinning, he hadn't felt this relaxed and at peace with another person in years. He closed his eyes, turning his face to face the sea so he could feel the warmth from the last of the sun's rays.

Peace was the only word he could use to describe this moment. He could feel eyes on him however and opened his own to find Gabriel looking pointedly at the water below them, a light blush on his cheeks.

Had Gabriel been watching Sam? If so, then why was he blushing? Inexplicably, Sam felt a blush grow on his own cheeks as he thought about this. For some reason he found himself hoping Gabe had been looking at him. Subconsciously running a hand through his hair, Sam scoured his mind for something else to say as they watched the sun touch the horizon.

"So, do ya have a girl waiting for you back in London?" Gabriel asked, absently running his finger along the smooth wooden railing.

"Uh, no, I'm unattached," Sam could have cursed himself for saying that in such a rush, but for some reason, just like how he'd hoped the shorter boy had been staring, he was always wanting to make sure he knew this.

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