Chapter 6

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I knew it was the alcohol controlling my body now, every thing I said was true blue. Haha that rhyme... Okay back to serious matters. I felt the tears come into action as I sobbed I front of the man I loved. Yes I was in love with Nick Jonas (and please note that ginormous WAS in love..). The first person I ever fell in love with and totally stepped over my heart.

"It is just so unfair that you treat Olivia like a queen... Is it because she's miss universe? So she ends that special treatment of a queen? Is she another rebound?" I already knew that tonight is just going to be another needle in my memory lane, and tomorrow will dagger me like a knife, "No wait, Nick Jonas can't do that! Golly gosh, Hollywood would not forgive him to break miss universe's heart, no... No... But it is completely OK to break a small town girl's heart. Poor me." I said in enthusiastic voice.

"Selena, it's not like that," he sighs, and something in his eyes tells me a type of sincerity, "I love her, she's the one. I'm sorry how I treated you, can we out that in the past?"

He was in love with her. Bullshit.

"Really? Did you need her to live up to your rules book that is so full of shit? Is she really ready to live a life following Nick Jonas's need? I mean poor Selly here can't play this game, so she got eliminated," I pouted in another sarcastic manner.

"Selena stop," he roars, shutting his eyes and through my goddamn blurry vision, I see a tear trickle down his eye, "Please don't ruin this for me, I know it sounds selfish of me to ask... But please, I am sorry for the pain I've caused you, it's my fault but don't harm Olivia, she doesn't deserve it."

"What harm?" I bickered back.

"Can you not remind her of... Us?"

I just scoffed, "Why? Is it going to ruin your reputation again?"

"This is exactly why we broke up, why I had to keep our relationship a secret," he finally snapped, running his hands through his messy curls in full frustration, "You are so childish, and you didn't live up to a good female role, a real woman has goals in life and doesn't embarrass herself in front of an audience."

Wow. That last line.... Was a complete repeat of his break up line.

"Then why did you date me in the first place?!" I yelled at him this time, despite the pounds loud music downstairs, it feels like it was just our voices that existed right now.

"I told you Selena, god damn, I liked you and you had a light in you that made my heart flutter every time I see you and the harmonious laugh you have... The humour in you..." I feel my heart flutter at his complimenting words.

No Selena, you're in a war right now.


"Learn how to like someone before marrying her, if you truly liked or loved someone, they wouldn't have to live up to your wants, and doesn't have to pretend who they are not because you don't want them to," I finally said to him in a calm voice before turning around. But I felt his grab my arm, spinning me around, "Let go Nick!"

"I loved you."

"As much as I want to believe that Nick, no. You didn't. I was a rebound," I tugged on my arm for release.

But his grasp was strong and I could barely bulge, "You weren't..."

"Shut up Nick," I glared at him and with one hard shove, he fell backwards into the pool and his hard grasp on me got me flying off the rooftop with him.


A loud splash had us soaked, slapping me hard on the back from the pressure. Thank god people saw us coming and kindly moved aside for this show. I was never a good swimmer, I felt myself sink into the water, but seconds later, thinking I'd be dead, a strong tug, pulled me out the water.

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