Chapter 40

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It was a total exaggeration to use a wheelchair. The doctor said crutches would be fine but my parents insisted on getting a wheelchair anyways. Rachel helped into the house while Adam was getting my luggage and bringing in the boys.

"Rach, you should really be resting," I said, "Your water can really break any minute."

"Hey, I'm not due for another few weeks," she laughs pushing me into the living room where she sat down on the couch letting out a huge breath. 

"Seriously, go rest up. I want to see my niece in few weeks," I smiled patting her stomach.

"Good! While you rest up this week you can help me think of names," my sister was so excited for the baby girl, she always wanted a daughter, despite how much she loves her boys. "I was thinking Lily, Lilianne, Julie or months... April or January--"

"Oh not January babe," we watch as Adam groan, plopping onto the couch next to Rachel with the boys running in after the other.

"Well what better options do you have?" Rachel giggles, combing through his patch of curly mess.

"Something like... Arlo, Briar, Aurora--" Adam suggests.

"Aurora! That's perfect," Rachel chimes, "Aurora..." she smiles, dazing off to the name.

"Really? Aurora? It just popped in my head," he was humble about it, earning a kiss from Rachel.

"You guys are too much, I'm going to find mom and dad," I laughed rolling away before they stop me. 

"I think mom and dad are at the office today," I heard Rachel shout as I was becoming distant from the living room. I pushed the wheel passing the kitchen and dining room. Emptiness.

Of course. What's a good reason for workaholic parents to be home? Definitely not when their daughter is just discharged from the hospital. I guess the closest I get to affection was last night when I heard my mother worrying about my life.

Or maybe that was just for sakes of the press.

Rachel and Adam left shortly to let me rest up. I took some antibiotics and fell asleep on the couch. Given that I was practically disabled right now, I don't think walking up and down the stairs was okay for me. Not yet at least.

Apparently mom and dad were supposed to be home by 7 tonight, I watched the clock turn from 6 to 7 to  8, yet they weren't home yet. Then around quarter to, I got a text from my dad.

Big case study tonight, we won't be coming home any time soon. Sweet dreams sweet heart. We love you.

Okay my ass. They have cases everyday, why can't they just bring the god damn work home like they normally do? It's not like I'm asking them to baby me. 

I went into the kitchen trying to make some mac and cheese, but standing for another minute just made want to shoot myself. I picked up the pot of the stove and just let the macaroni warm up from the heat absorbed from the stove. There really weren't many options on TV as I waited for my macaroni to heat up.

I heard the doorbell ring, like thank God they are finally home. Maybe I could finally get real food. I mean no offense KD but some meat and veggies would be much better.

I got my crutches and went to the door. Like screw the damn wheelchair, it was such a hassle getting on and wheeling myself over. I opened the door and immediately a Nick Jonas launched at me.

"Nick?!" I exclaimed, quickly shutting the door. "What are you doing here?"

He finally pulls away, "I'm so sorry Sel."

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