Chapter 24

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Rachel and Adam came to pick up the boys just right after 7. My mom got home around that time, she apparently had to prepare to go to court in a few days so she had to stay late at the office to prepare for it. However Rachel stayed a bit just to see mom for a while, but the boys got tired so she left shortly.

My mom was now sitting in her office, she was still in her work clothes reading through her cases that suddenly became the new table cloth for her desk. The files were neat, but everywhere at the same time. She saw me peaking through the office through.

"Selena? Did you need something, dear?" she wasn't even looking up at me as she continued to jot some notes. She was sitting in an elegant posture, back straight, leg crossed over the other, left elbow propped on the desk with the hand on her chin as she wrote with her chin up and looking busy at the other documents. Even with her not looking at you it will make you nervous. Since I was small, Rachel and I have witnessed clients coming into her office and she sat just like this as she spoke to them. Strict posture, attentive but seldom eye contact as she jot her notes down.

"Uhm... mom..." I walked in, pulling out the chair across with the letters from that woman right behind my back in my other hands.

"Yes dear?" her voice was sophiscated, always like she was a level too high from me.

I took a breath in and shut my eyes as I asked her. I didn't know if this was right, but I had a feeling my mom knew about the affair. She was smart. She outsmarts the convicts in court. She even outsmarts the judges. She was too smart to not have known, but I want to hear her explanation.

"Did you know about Dad's affair?" I asked, I didn't hear her reply right away. My eyes open, and for once my mom looked at me, away from her work and those brown orbs that resembles mine, looked right into me, speechless. Her lips were open but no words came out.

She takes a breath in, closing her eyes and nods, "Yes I did," she slowly removes her glasses, "how did you-"

"How could you still stay with this man?" I asked her, my voice was strong and enraged all of a sudden. I hadn't even known I would've had this courage.

"Because he is a father and a good husband, he may have wronged me but he did not wrong you and Rachel. He has been nothing but a wonderful father, he loves you both dearly," she explains, she was so calm. 

I can't believe it. But then again, my mom is the type that will not show she is in pain, she would cry alone in the dark than expose it all to us.

"But he cheated on you! He was not loyal to you for 365 days when he went to that lecture in Chicago, he is a jerk, a shame to all husbands and all men in the society--"

"Don't speak about your father that way Selena Marie," my mom thundered, "He is a good man, we had our fight, we had our ups and downs, but what is important is that I  have forgiven him for his wrong honey."

"But I haven't," I felt my blood boil as tears rolled down my lips, "I will not forgive a father who has wronged his family."

I was too angered, too frustrated to speak another word with my mom. Although deep down I know it is my father that I should be most angry at. But with my mom supporting him up to this day, all my respect for her is slowly fading away.

I spun around, ready to storm off. Just to see my father standing by the doorway. His hands in his pocket as he took a step forward his hands opened, ready to hold me.

"Don't touch me," I pointed at his hands as I was ready to run out.

"Selena listen to me, she was just a--" he started to speak, but I didn't let him continue.

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