Chapter 45

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Everything became frozen and still. It was like a slow motion film in my head while my world was spinning faster than light. The cries, the tears, the yelling, the bleeding it was repulsive. I watch the paramedics scooter my dad's body--that was once trapped in arms, into the ambulance. Everything after that went completely after.

When I woke up all I could see were the white lights from the high ceiling and the four blank walls. My head was pounding and I wasn't so sure of what was going on until I saw the nurses pass by in the halls. I was in the hospital, the ambulance... the party... DAD!

My body jolted up but my head still had the hammer pounding it inside. A pair of hands pressed on my upper arms to hold me down, I looked up recognizing it was Demi's. Her cold fingers trembled and I could tell she's been crying from the damp cheeks and pink eyes.

"Demi," I breathed in panic, "W-Where's my dad?"

She took a breath before responding to me, "He's in surgery right now, my mom is with your mom by the surgery room."

"I have to go see him," I rushed out of bed but feeling my body go uneasy again as it was so weak. I must've hit the concrete floor when I passed out.

Demi got me a wheelchair and helped me over to the surgical floor. It wasn't as simple as she said, it was not just my mom and Demi's, there was also Joe and Nick. They were all sitting waiting for the surgeon to come out.

My mother saw me first, before she could get up Demi pushed me over to her.

"Selena," my mother sobbed, immediately falling over to my shoulders. Engraving her tears on me.

"Mom it's going to be okay," I soothed her, embracing her just as hard. 

"Mandy, the doctors said they will do their best," Demi's mom gave her a side hug. 

I pulled away and for the first time glancing at the Joe and Nick who sat on the other hospital benches. They were just as exhausted. Nick had a few scratches on his face and a bandage that braced over his right hand. 

He gave a tired but warming smile to my direction, I nodded like I read his mind. After an hour of waiting, we were getting more impatient wondering why the surgery is taking so long. Joe and Nick went down to the cafeteria to bring us some drinks.

The light finally went off. My heart thumped, both my mother and I clenched onto each other's hands tightly, I could feel my airways closing up as I could hear the doors glide open.

"Are you Mr. Gomez's family?" the surgeon stepped out along with his fellow assistants.

Both my mother and I got up immediately, "We are his wife--daughter."

"He's lost a lot of blood and because the bullet was so close to his heart it was a millimetre away from puncturing the left chamber and could've killed him. The surgery was a success but he will be treated in the ICU until we see further improvements. He should be waking up in 4 hours." The surgeon stepped aside while the nurses pulled our the bed with my father on it, "Visiting hours are over, I suggest everyone to go home and have a good rest before coming back to visit tomorrow."

"Thank Doctor Roberts," my mother tears as she shook his hand feverishly.

"Have some rest," he said before walking back to his office. My mother cried into Demi's mom's shoulder as I did too. 

Demi stayed on the floor to wait for Nick and Joe to come back while I went up to the ICU with my mom and Demi's mom. We wanted to assure my father was in place and to know where he is located. 

The nurses rolled him into his own room. My mother begged to sit and watch my father a little longer before she would get kicked out. I could tell Demi's mother was truly exhausted, I escorted her to a cab before going back to the ICU. I was truly grateful for both Demi and her mom to be here with us at this time, they were both very tired from the evening and the event, it meant a lot. 

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