Chapter 15

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In the middle of my good sleep I felt a cold hand grasp onto my shoulder and tugged on it a few times. I churned a bit and rolled away from the him. My head was pounding like there's no tomorrow.

"Selena let's get going..." Nick says, he gently shakes me again.

"Ughhh," I groaned into the hotel's pillow, which by the way was better than the one I have at home, "My head really hurts... stupid alcohol."

"C'mon, let's get you home," this time he lifts me up from the bed into a sitting position, "It's almost 8."

My eyes flutter open immediately and was hit by the sun light that sneaked its way between the curtains. My hand slaps over my eyes.

"You can go first, I'll get my sister to pick me up," I said, slowly seeping way back under the covers.

He caught me just before I went back to sleep. He refused to let me fall asleep again and I gave in after a while and got dressed. We checked out of the hotel, and returned our cards then got into his car.

I closed my eyes as soon as he started the vehicle, the bumps on the road really weren't helping my headache, but at least he hasn't tried to start a conversation with me yet.

After a 10 minute drive of awkward silence, to him I guessed. He turns on the radio and starts humming to a song by the Backstreet Boys. I didn't know when, but I started singing along to it as well.

Nick started to sing as well, and there is doubt in his voice. He used to write songs and sing to me, and his voice was beautiful.

I laugh in the middle because he starts singing off key purposely.

"That's not how it goes," I hit his arm playfully.

Nick is laughing now too and continues to sing miserably on purpose. We jammed to the next few songs together until we were out of breath from both laughing and singing. His car came to a stop at the red light just before my street.

"Remember when we used to sing this song every time it played on my ipod shuffle?" Nick asks, pulling to a stop.

I laugh, "Oh yea, and we'll hit it on replay until Demi starts getting mad that the same song has been played on repeat 10 times."

"OHH then Joe would change it to something better on his ipod?" Nick chimes, reminiscing a thing we did in our car rides.

"Oh Joe," I laugh again, "Those were the days... late night hang outs and jamming to Backstreet Boys?"

"I wish nothing had to change," Nick sighs, stepping on the pedal again on green.

I turned to look at him, and really looking at him, until he turned to me chuckling.

"What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, I'm happy we grew up," I said sluggishly, leaning my elbow on the window ledge and stared out to the sunrise. I sucked in the fresh breeze that blew into his car. The smell of daffodils, fresh lake water and the willow trees makes it official I'm home.

The rest of the car ride went peacefully as we turned into some streets that he recognized without me explaining. We finally reached my house, he pulls to a stop as I unbuckle to get out.

Nick runs to my side and opens the door for me.

"Thank you," I say as I hopped out.

"No problem," he said, I hear the door click close.

"I'll see you around," I say, stepping into the long paved driveway that leads the way to my house.

"Wait, Selena," I turn around to the call of my name, it was my first time to realize Nick's bow tie was actually loose and hung around his neck and not fully on. And his eyes were red tired. "Let's hang out some time."

"Sure..." I nodded awkwardly, "I'll see you around." I turned to walk down the driveway again.

"Wait, Selena," he called me again.

"What Nick?" I spun around, clearly irritated by him.

"Want to grab a coffee later?" He asked, and his voice was small and vulnerable.

I stood there unsure, "I don't know. I'm tired, I'll text you."

"Okay," I see a small frown appear on his lips, "I'll see text you later. Go in safely."

"Thanks for the ride," this time I wasn't going to turn around even if he calls my name. I hurried down the curve of my driveway and ran into the house practically.

As quietly as I can of course. My parents probably have not woken up either because of how late they stayed for the ball. I went to my room to strip out of the dress that was still slightly damp and grab my pajamas to go to the washroom and run a shower.

Once the hot water made contact with my skin I felt the release of stress and just refreshed. I cleaned up quickly as I heard some footsteps in the halls, I recognized it to be my dad's because my mother's steps are much lighter.

I got out rapidly to make it to breakfast with dad. It's rare for me to see him as a kid, and it's been no change. He's always too busy at work, same with mom.

I hurried down the stairs, nearly slipping on the smooth hardwood as I made my landing. When I got to the kitchen both my parents were dressed and fetching their breakfast.

"Morning," I greeted my father with a kiss on the forehead and on the cheek for my mother who I sat across from.

"Morning sweet heart," my mother passes over to me a plate, "Where were you all night?"

"Oh uhm," I brushed a piece of hair behind my ear as I reached forward to get a toast, "I left with Demi."

"Did you?" I turned my attention to my father, who stared at me skeptically as he spread some jam onto his toast.

"Uhh..." I was frozen, my eyes bouncing back between my parents who now were both suspicious. They could tell if their client was lying to them the minute they speak to them, so if I lie it was just useless. "Actually... while waiting for you guys I was a bit tipsy, and Nick came back after driving his family home, and he saw me so he was planning to take me home."

"Well it looks like he forgot all the directions to get here," my dad grins, and takes a bite out of his toast, "So what happened next darling?"

"Uhm, well apparently I puked all over his suit so he stopped by the lake to air out his car and we both fell into the lake. Then after we got into an argument so while waiting for our clothes to dry we fell asleep in his car." I lied the last part, they will freak if I told them we went to a hotel together.

All about the reputations.

This is all the town is about, stupid reputation. No one knows who they are anymore.

"Ahh... Doesn't Nick have a girlfriend? She's quite a lovely young lady," my mom comments.

"Oh yea, she has very fine manners," my dad adds in, and this conversation suddenly became a two-person conversation between my parents, "Good for Nicholas."

"I could see him in a good marriage with her, she was very sweet when we met last night," my mom says, taking a sip out of her coffee and sneaking a peak at me. I toyed with the pancake and fruits I had on my plate, staring out into boredom, "But Denise bragged over it a bit too much last night, almost as if she was showing off."

My dad hollers a laugh, holding onto my mother's hand that was rested on the table, "Darling don't get too stress about her. You never had a good bond with her."

"Oh especially when Selena and Nick used to go out, the arguments were endless," my mother cries, taking another sip from her coffee, "I can't believe she even dared to try embarrass Selena the other day when we went for tea."

"Mom, she's always like that, just ignore her," I said, both my parents looked at me with their eyes widened, a bit shocked I'd say that. "What? Her son is just as big of a jerk as she is..."

"Agreed," my mom then stabs her fork on the bacon on her plate.

Just on cue my phone rings, I pick it up and walk off to the distance.


"Party. Tonight at 7:00. 7893 West Creek."

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