Chapter 48

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Once we got to my apartment floor, I introduced Demi and Joe to my roommates before taking them in to my room. I grabbed the ice pack from the freezer and brought it back to my room where Demi was blowing into Joe's eyes to reduce the burning sensation.

"Here's a pack of ice, it should help it a little," I said, handing over the ice pack to Joe. 

"Thanks Sel," Joe takes the ice pack and rests it on his eyes.

"So this is your crib?" Demi grins as her eyes analyse my room. It was pretty clean, minus my desk which had a pile of paper and textbooks that I yet have to go through.

I shrugged and plopped onto my bed, tossing aside all the paperwork, "Yup."

Joe and Demi told me their historical events coming to Boston and explained why they aren't at school. Though it is a long weekend, but most college kids are busting their ass off to study or doing their internship.

"Anyways, why are you guys here?" I asked.

"To visit you!" Demi beams. She joins me on the side of my bed, "We can't let you spend the long weekend alone."

"Haha, for your information I've been on my own for most holidays for the my past four years here," I giggle.

Demi and Joe stayed the night, we mostly just caught up with one another's life and joked before we fell asleep. I've honestly haven't actually smiled for real, since summer. But seeing Demi and Joe like that, makes me feel like there's something still alive in me. Not like I was feeling dead, but I sure felt like a beaten dog or something. Honestly, if Joe was not here, I probably would've talked about something much deeper with her. But I loved Joe's presence at the same time, he carries this aura of serenity. His life is just chill, it's always about the laughs and joy, simple life. 

They had plans to meet up with some of Joe's friends so they left around noon. Plus, I told them I had to go into one of my lectures later in the day to submit my essay. After Demi and Joe left, I really just felt like falling back down on my bed and continue to sleep.

Until I heard a loud knock on my door.

"Hey Sel, it's Hanna," I literally jumped up because Hanna is never home. I'm shocked to even see her. She opens the door for herself to pop her head through the crack, "Hey Selly Belly! Can I borrow the black sequence sheath dress you wore to the club last time?"

"Sure, it's in my wardrobe," I bobbed my head up and back down on the pillow and pointed to my wardrobe before my hand fell tiredly back on my bed, "You can get it if you want."

"Thanks hon, you're a true bae," she beams as she leaps over some clothes I had on the floor and crossed over to my wardrobe. She starts searching through each hanger to find it. 

My clothes were typically organized by colour so it wouldn't be difficult to find stuff, but Hanna tends to enjoy looking through my stuff to borrow, so I wouldn't be shocked if she decides to pull out something else. But that's Hanna for you. She's totally the sorority girl type--actually, she was, I have no idea why she would leave her sorority in the first place. She fits in more with those girls than us.

Hanna yanks a pink sheer dress out of my wardrobe as if she succeeded in her mission or something, "YES! Thanks Selly, I think this dress suits the occasion better. I'll return it tomorrow."

"No problem," I waved her off as I hear the door close. Taking a glimpse at the clock annoys me, it was already one fucking thirty. I thought Demi and Joe just left?

I haven't unloaded my bag from yesterday so leaving the house was easier. The weather was less damp outside but still kind of gross and wet, I slipped on a pair of dirtied converse and left the house before I bump into Elena and her boyfriend again, who I swear were having sex all night in the room across from mine.

Entering the lecture hall was a drag. The good seats were always taken if you weren't here an hour early, this was the psych course so everyone had to take it and the lecture hall fits like a few hundreds. 

I sat on the second floor first row, which I guess I can't complain much for. I get to put my feet up which wasn't too bad and I guess if I slept no one would really notice me. This lecture was 3 hours and my professor speaks fast too which made it impossible to sleep because typing up my notes are at like 200 miles per hour. 

In the middle of lecture I begged for a break, 3 hours listening to him speak was just misery. But honestly, it was like the angels were calling when he said "let's wrap it up for today". I was perhaps the first one to exit even, I slipped my Mac into my bag without even turning it off and sprinted out the door before anyone else. 

I couldn't wait to get back on my bed. 

I looked up to the sunshine that was darting at me like  arrows, I had to shed off my jacket because it eventually got really warm. Or maybe it was because I was walking really fast. First I cannot wait to grab a bite to eat and second I miss my bed already. I probably have a research paper waiting at home for me but my bed and food has been waiting longer. Plus, I agreed to meet up with Demi and Joe again for a proper dinner tonight.

The house was surprisingly quiet. I thought Elena and Dan would be lipmacking on the couch or in her bedroom. Typically the only person that would be home is--actually its just me.

"Hey didn't think you'd be home so soon," I jumped at the sudden voice that approached from the kitchen. It was Chelsea.

She was in a pair of pyjama shorts and huge red Harvard t-shirt that she wears to sleep. She must've took a shower before appearing behind me because her curly auburn hair was dripping droplets of water all over our hardwood. 

"Didn't expect to see you home amongst the four of us," I dropped my bag on the side next to the couch and went right to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. 

At the same time, Chelsea takes her cereal with her to the couch, "Yea I called in sick today."

I nodded and went along to make my sandwich. Our fridge was always filled with grocery, typically thanks to Hanna who always come home with either a bunch of leftovers from her boyfriend's place or grocery that's about to expire from her boyfriend's place. And the only person who really does grocery shop is either Elena or me, well let's just say we're not reliable on that.

I found a box of Chinese fried noodles and took it to the microwave. I see that we have stocked up on some more grocery that had a sticky note on them with Hanna's handwriting that wrote the expiry dates. At least she did that.

"Oh by the way, I think you friends from last night left their wallet," Chelsea says as she points to the TV, "Left it there."

"Thanks, I'll return it to them later," the microwave alarmed, I took my Chinese noodles and the wallet with me to my room. I put down the hot bowl of noodles and checked the wallet to make sure it was Joe's.

The first thing I see was a wallet sized polaroid photo of Joe and Demi, I smiled and closed the wallet. At the same time a business card slipped out. 

'The Sutton'  it read. Hm, I guess that's the hotel they were staying at, it wasn't too far off from campus. A lot of tourists would actually stay at this hotel, it must be busy if it's the long weekend.

I texted Demi about Joe's wallet. But I'm going to see them later tonight anyways.

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