Chapter 27

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Demi and Joe convinced to go home after breakfast. They didn't agree what my family did was right but they said me running away isn't going to change anything either. So, this concludes as to why I will be going home to have a talk with my parents... and perhaps Rachel as well.

I just couldn't believe that she didn't stand up for mom and matter of fact, she let our mother forgive my father so easily. As much as I love my dad, forgiving him so easily isn't right. Not like I'm saying she should punish him, but c'mon. I honestly thought my mother was stronger than this.

We cleaned up the kitchen just before she headed out from the beach house. Nick still hasn't woken up, and I feel like thanking him. 

I know, I can't believe it. But he was the one that came to my rescue when Demi couldn't, I should be thankful towards him... right?

"Wait!" I said, both Demi and Joe were putting their shoes on by the door, "I -uh-I forgot my socks upstairs, you guys go out first. I'll come out."

I didn't stop to hear Demi or Joe respond and started running up the stairs.

"Wait Sel-" I hear Demi call me just before I reached up the stairs following with Joe's voice, "She'll come out, let's get in the car Dems." and then the door closed quietly but it squeaked a bit.

I remember the bedroom I stayed in there was a notepad on the desk, I picked up the pen from the cup of pens and pencils. I scribbled a quick thank you to Nick and ran back downstairs, I slipped the note in his shoes just before I sped out the door.

When I got in Demi gave me a suspicious look while Joe was smirking as he backed out of the driveway. "What?" I asked.

"You're wearing sandals Sel, don't tell me you wear socks with that in this hot summer?" her eyes narrowed to my legs.


"I-I get cold.." I slowly looked away out to the window.


"She probably went back to give Nick a goodbye kiss," Joe teased.

"Oh shut up Joe!" both Demi and I said in unison. 

The entire ride was at piece while we jammed to the radio. More so Demi and Joe were fighting for who to DJ the radio, while I sat at the back thinking of what to say to my parents when I get home. Was I suppose to yell and freak out again? 

I guess a quiet sit down to solve this would be the right way... right?

Demi and Joe thought it would be best if I went in alone, they parked on the further out of my 'J' shaped driveway. 

"Hey call if anything alright?" Demi gestures the call.

I nodded and waved goodbye to them, "Thanks for everything guys."

They drove around the semi circle and out into the streets. I took a deep breath before stepping into the house. It was quiet around the house when I entered, no sounds of plates and forks or spoons clashing together.

It seems as though they may still be sleeping. I tiptoed to my room to shower and change before they wake up. I passed the office before going to the bathroom, it was empty there too. I didn't expect my parents to have been sleeping in till now.

I changed into a sheer baby pink dress and went downstairs after applying my make up and drying my hair. I hear the dishes against each other and a few muffles coming from the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen, my parents were finishing up their breakfast and Rachel was sipping on her morning tea.

"Sel," Rachel gets up and starts coming to hug me while my parents looked up to me.

"Hi Rach," I hugged back and turned to my parents, "I think we need to talk... whenever you're done breakfast."

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