"Demi, where are you going?" I tugged on her elbow as she was just about to depart from me.

"He's over there!" She yells over the music, at the server boy that waved at us cooly. And he as really hot in this new attire of his, shirtless and trunks.

Those abs... Like damn.

Demi gave me no option and just dragged me over to him.

"Hey ladies, I'm so happy to see you," he bends down giving me a kiss on the cheek then Demi's straight on make out.

OKAY! Selena, OUT.

I scoffed and walked away to a table that served some drinks, beer... Beer.... Beer... More beer.

OKAY! Now where are the good kids in this party house? I desperately searched for the kitchen in this downright big ass mansion for some water and something that will not get me drunk. I squeezed through the crowded people that hounded at one another, until I got my way into the kitchen. Great.

It was like porn in front of me, these two asses made out and practically NAKED, yea naked, as they made out. I groaned loudly, not like they could hear through the music. I went back to the beverage table and grabbed a bottle of beer.

"Damn stupid party," I groaned to myself and sucked on the beer bottle, I felt the alcohol burn down my throat. Man I missed this stuff, I think I was literally a party pooper, I sat there watching the party move on as I drank down the bottle.

After a while watching people shuffle around the party, I see Nick. Wasn't he at some rad beach party? And he had his arms around that miss universe, he laughed with his forehead over hers, and she giggled staring at him. They were by a wall near the corridors, which I had perfect view of. He leaned down and kissed her, his soft hands squeezes her side making her giggle and tug him closer to her as they made out.

Talk about fucking public display of affections.

I rolled my eyes at the jealousy that overcome me, I spun around from them after realizing how annoying they were such show offs on their relationship. It was a complete rub in to me, he could at least pretend he cared and do this elsewhere. Well it wasn't like he knew I was here.

Ugh, screw this jerk. I chugged down another big puddle of beer.

"Hey cutie..." I turned to some hot blond head, which looked a lot like Justin, "you alone tonight? I'm Jake."

I scoffed, and see a rude side of me, "And I'm I don't care."

"You're cute," he chuckles, leaning on the table next to me.

"And you're being annoying," I replied drying, turning to the party and watch young adolescent like us, get drunk or high.

"Fine bitch," he throws his anger at me before walking away. I rolled my eyes and took a few beers before walking upstairs. I stumbled a bit, well, I guess this is what happens when you don't drink for a while. One bed already has me down.

I saw a beautiful rooftop view earlier when Demi and I were going through the backyard, before we went back in to find her beloved date. I searched for the rooms at the back, which had me lost already through the hallways. And each room was used for sex.

Of course.

Wow. So he kept this beautiful view in the washroom window, stupid. I stepped over the ledge and squeezed my way out to the roof top that was slightly a slope. I looked down and made sure if I do fall, I would land into the pool. I sat down on the roof, stretching my toned legs out. The rooftop was compiled by black tiles, which felt cold against my bare legs but it felt kind of good against this heated weather.

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