Chapter 3: After Work

Start from the beginning

Serenity made it home safely and flopped on the couch. Then she grabbed her laptop and went back to try to find another apartment. But something was off...

All the websites were blocked and her history of the websites were erased. Like someone had hacked into her laptop or better yet her network.

"What the hell?" she threw her hands up in the air and slammed her laptop closed. This was too much. It had been a long day at work and she was tired. "Ain't this about a bitch."

Then she heard shuffling outside her door. Like boxes sliding. She looked outside her door and it was Ricci and a few other guys putting furniture in a apartment next to hers.

They didn't notice her looking she only held a crack in her door to see them.

"You move fast. I've never seen you move this fast. This situation is important to you." Ricci said.


"You don't have to say anything and I know she has that effect on people."

Serenity widened her eyes and closed the door as quiet as possible. This was too much for her head today.

"Someone, a man, beat up Josh and Grant tonight while they were following Serenity home for protection."

"And your worried that you won't be able to protect her." Francesco stayed silent."Boss you are basically the best fighter out of all of us. Stealth and in vision. The reason that we stayed here so long is because you are down to get your hands dirty. We will just train them some more."

"The thing that they told me is that the man said he needed her safe."


"So who else knows about her."

"I don't know I did a background check one time ago. Serenity has no family, both her parents died in a car crash when she was 9 but she was protected because both of her grandmothers from each side of the family where sitting in the back with her. And she was sitting in the middle. That's what the paperwork said."

"Well, we are her family now. I didn't know she was alone for a long time."

"I don't know why she is alluring she could make the world's most dangerous dictator become best-friends with her. Seeing how she made you crazy about her in one day is amazing. It takes you at least 5 months to even consider that you may love a woman. You are as stubborn as Scar not wanting to leave Pride Rock."

"Are you telling me that one of my head honchos watches Disney movies?"

"Are you telling me that you do not?"

They just stared at each other for a minute..

"All I am saying is that since she has no family, and I have took it amung myself to be her older brother or her brother in general."

"Her brother?"

"She may be strong and beautiful. Her spirit is like no other but even she has her days. She has cried on my shoulder many times. So, I took position."

"I want you to bring me those reports you looked through. I want to see them for myself. Pictures and everything."

"You got it." Ricci said and walked the rest of his things inside the apartment."

Serenity turned on the t.v and listened to the news.

"A series of organized crime bosses have been disappearing and some found dead in the local parks. No signs of struggles a it seems...right now there is an investigation happen-" the news reporter was going to continue but Serenity cut the t.v bosses.

"They can talk about fucking mafia and crime bosses but can't talk about the slavery happening in Liberia. They just choose and pick what they want to talk about." Serenity said. "Who gives a fuck about people who smuggle drugs, sex traffics, and God knows what else."

"Probably because they put so much money in the city that they run it. That's why they care so much." Serenity picked up her laptop once more and watched some Youtube videos. Mostly Gaming videos. She loved watching Berleezy he was funny to her.

Francisco heard her from the other room now he definitely has to keep the fact that he is a mafia boss from her. He just can't stay away from her not now when he is trying to figure everything out. 

"I love her spirit but I don't think she would like the fact that you smuggle guns across the border and selling them to the black market." Lester said while sitting at the computer. 

"At least i'm not killing anyone."

"Well, you have killed all your rivals so far."

"Only because they came after me. Not my fault that my grandfather makes the best guns around Italy." Francesco said and shrugged his shoulder. He didn't care about those lives. "They didn't even know what hit them and they don't even know it's me."

"We are the most anonymous mafia family around. But that night that you met her I think someone was looking for her. Not us." 

"I'll kill anyone that tries to go near her or to harm her." 

"We have to do more research on her." Lester said. Then turned around in the chair. "You know make sure she isn't dangerous or anything."

"She isn't dangerous I know that without research Les." Ricci said. 

"So, when are you moving your hell cat in these apartments Ricci?"

"I'm still taking it slow all she knows me as is Serenity's friend and landlord. I think we consider ourselves as friends now. Joce is a amazing woman I know she is."

"Um... I think you need to take a cold shower Ricci." Francesco said.  

"Oh gosh!" Ricci said and wrapped his jacket around his waist and sat on the couch. 

"I just want to know how and why you two seem to snatch up the most beautiful women... no matter the size or color." Lester said. He did have his eye on one girl though she worked a the local grocery store. When she was there he would always go to her lane. No matter how long the line was. There would be other girls in other lanes trying to call for him. But they weren't as beautiful. She was short around 5'2 and she wasn't big or fat. She was just really curvy. Made his mouth water. He was always drawn to her and all she would say was "Hello." and "How is your day going?" or "Your total is 3.75." Her name was Ember. That's all he had was her first name Ember. 

"Lester, you are turning red my friend are you ok?" Francesco asked.

"What.. sorry I drifted off. I'm ok." Lester said. He was the computer man, the hacker, the geek or whatever you would like to call him. "I'm just checking up on Serenity's accounts. I'm about to transfer the money you want me to give her.  What do you think she is going to do with half of a million dollars."

"Buy her a new car, and quit that god awful job." Ricci said. 

"I told her i'm going to take care of her. She's my lady now." Francesco said. "I'm going to treat her that way." Then he walked off into his room. "I know you know how to let yourself out." 

Ricci and Lester looked at each other and then watched him closed the door. 

"She is changing him. Not even his last girl could do that." Lester said. "I think we need to talk to her ourselves. You thin you can get her to meet with us Ricci? Just me and you?"

"I know I can." Ricci said and started making arrangements. 

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