Eddie and Owen; Meeting the Crew

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(Costa Rica)

Braedey was currently walking alongside Eddie Carr, who's a male in his mid 30's, and they were walking through a warehouse where some Mercedes-Benz cars and a large RV-like craft were being modified for the journey ahead.

"I can't shave three days off my deadline and expect everything to be ready." Eddie told Braedey. "I'm not fully supplied. I haven't even tested any of this."

"Why give her a satellite phone if it doesn't work?" Braedey commented about the satellite phone. "Why not use a regular walkie-talkie?"

"Could be solar flares, the satellite might be out of sync, or maybe she turned it off." Eddie replied to him.

"Does she know how to use it?" Braedey asked sarcastically.

"You kidding? She's faxed me refinements
on half the plans for this stuff." Eddie replied to him.

Just then, a dark grey van soon reversed into the warehouse, coming to a gentle stop, just as someone climbed out, and walked over to the back of the van. The person was a male, possible in his late 20's, with a fair skin tone, dark brown hair, and blue eyes, and wearing some combat camouflage outfits.

"Thanks for the two-minute warning." Nick said to Eddie.

"Nick van Owen, this is Braedey Martin." Eddie introduced the photographer to the Transformatrix bearer. "Nick's our field photographer."

"How do you do?" Braedey greeted the photographer. "You do wildlife photography?"

"Wildlife, combat, you name it." Nick stated to him, pulling out his bags from the back of the van. "When I was with Nightline, I was in Rwanda, Chechnya, Bosnia. I do volunteer work for Greenpeace once in a while."

"What drew you to Greenpeace?" Braedey asked in curiosity.

"Women." Nick replied with a smirk. "Greenpeace is 80-percent female."

"I don't think I'd suit Greenpeace." Braedey said to the outdoor photographer. "I've already got enough women gunning for me."

"Really?" Nick questioned.

"A Vampire with a split-personality, a succubus with an exaggerated chest size, a little witch that likes to push the succubus' buttons, along with a snow-woman." Braedey replied.

"Crazy." Nick commented.

"What's crazy is that I'm in love with the vampire." Braedey replied. "That may be noble."

"Noble was last year." Nick commented, picking up one more bag. "This year, I'm getting paid. Hammond's check cleared, or I wouldn't go on this wild-goose chase."

"You're actually going to the one place in the whole world where the geese chase you." Braedey spoke up.

"Braedey!" The brunette shapeshifter turned to the warehouse door, and saw Kento running up to him. "Braedey. What in the hell are you thinking?" He demanded, grabbing Braedey's shoulders. "You must be a madman to think about going back to that hellhole again."

Braedey gently took Kento's hands off his shoulders. "Relax, Kento." He reassured him. "I'm not going there alone. I have Moka, Kurumu, Yukari, and Mizore alongside me, so I won't be alone."

"Still, I think you need some help." The two males turn to the door, and saw Jessie and Rex walking up. "After you told us what happened on the other island, I feel like I should come along with you." The former said to her cousin.

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