Chapter 14: Bella

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(A/N I EDITED CHAPTER 1!!!!! Go back and read it pleaaaaasssseee!!! It makes SOO much more sense, I think! and sorry I didn't update in forever, its cause I got grounded and then I got in the habit of NOT being on the computer... it just stuck. So now I am finally ungrounded and remembered to come on here today... I can't believe this is chapter 14 already. I feel like I just started like, yesterday on chapter two! Hey guys, btdubbs, If you're reading this, I love you!)

Chapter 14: Bella

 I laughed as a distraught Brendan chased my best friend through the hallway. The scene I had just witnessed made Jackie appear less innocent than I had first imagined. Maybe she's changed? I shrugged it off and turned to the shocked boy next to me.

"So, what was it we were doing again? I got a little distracted when you were telling me before." I pursed my lips to keep a laugh from escaping.

"Uh, what was that?" Malachi asked, running a hand through his amazingly blond hair.

"I don't know," I said, shrugging. It wasn't a lie, because I had no idea Jackie even really looked at boys.. I mean, she's always been so oblivious, it was shocking. I honestly thought she would end up being a crazy cat lady.

"What were they doing that made Jackie so embarrassed?" Malachi pressed. I rolled my eyes.

"You didn't answer my question," I pouted, crossing my arms.

"And you didn't answer mine," he said, copying my position and looking me in the eyes. I gave him my best puppy dog look, but he didn't crack.

"It wasn't anything to be worried about..." I said, studying the floor. "But I really wanna know what we're doing! Please!" I begged, walking over to him and slipping my arms around his neck. His arms found their way around my waist. I smiled, thinking how perfect they felt around me. He sighed.

"If you really wanted to know, then you would have been listening the first time." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"But I saw my best friend with a boy! You can't expect me to listen when I get to watch a Jackie Thomas in a foreign habitat with a BOY!" I protested. "Please, I really do want to know." Malachi studied my face, before finally cracking.

"We're going to see if you have a dragon today," Malachi said.

"If?" I tilted my head.

"Well, some people don't have dragons. And if you don't bond with a dragon or a unicorn at the very least, there's no way you can be a healer. And that means you posess a rare power."

"The ability to understand dragons." I said, nodding. "Wait, rewind. Did you say unicorns?" I said, placing my hands on his shoulders and pushing myself back slightly so I could study his face. A smile tugged on his lips as he nodded.

"OH. NO. LEMME GO!!" I yelled, ripping his arms off me and running into the stables. I spun around to face him. "Where!!" I demanded, crossing my arms.

"Jackie said she rode a unicorn before," Malachi muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Um, excuse me! I was kind of focused on Jackie PINNING a BOY to a WALL!" I groaned. I wanted to bang my head against the wall. He never answered my question!

"Bella, you aren't even going to get close to one if you scream like you did before." He laughed, finally following me into the stables.

"You don't understand. Where I come from, dragons, unicorns, whatever else you probably have here... All that stuff is just a myth where I come from. But most every little girl imaginges owning a unicorn when they're little." I explained. Malachi just nodded. "Well, are you going to show me now?" I asked, my voice slightly raised with excitement.

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