Chapter 3: Jared's POV

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 My heart beat violently with anxiety, the sound beating on my chest and roaring in my ears. She's ok, she's ok, I told myself over and over. I prayed to Elohim that she was okay as I burst inside her big dark house.

  What I saw, surprisingly. didn't surprise me. I'd been in training simulations that were something like this. Except this was different. This was Jackie who lay crumpled on the ground in the fetal position and "mother" was standing over her with a knife held high and ready to strike her in the back.

  "Jackie's mom" looked up, her black curly hair a frizzy mess and her eyes pure black with a glint of red in the back of her eyes. She hissed when she saw me. No doubt she already knew who I was and why I was here.

  "You get away from her!" I roared, hand on my sword and ready to go.

  "No! She will not fulfill her destiny! I will drag her soul down to the pits of hell!" She screeched and lunged at me. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. I drew my sword and held it in front of me defensively. The creature didn't stop and I was forced to watch as the sword poked out of it's back.

  Her eyes widened in shock, so much that the whites of her eyes showed. Then she cackled and her skin deflated until it hung limply on the sword. A dark shadow with a hole in the center of it stood a little behind where she was before. It smiled an empty smile.

  "You've gotten good, young one. Very strong. But my master is much stronger." The red eyes of the demon that Jackie knew as her mother closed into slits. The demon cackled and slowly vanished. I shouldn't have let it escape, but I hate killing things, even if I know they deserve them. Jackie.

  I dropped my sword and fell to my knees at Jackie's side.

  "Jackie? Are you OK? Can you hear me?" I rolled her over so I could see her face which looked far from peaceful with her eyes clenched shut and tear stains on her cheeks. She was sobbing and still rocking slightly.

  "Jared..." She opened her eyes. They were a deep green, freshly "cleaned" from crying. She sat up and slipped her arms around my middle in a hug and buried her face in my chest. "Who... Why... What happened?" She managed to choke out as I wrapped my arms hesitantly around her shoulders.

  "I'll explain later. Right now, you need to rest." I said, struggling to keep my voice from cracking. I couldn't stand seeing her so hurt.

  "She can stay at my place." Bella said, reminding us she was still there. I smiled gratefully up at her and her light blue eyes smiled back a "you're welcome."

  "Jackie, can you walk?" She shook her head and rested her cheek on my shoulder. I sighed, trying not to smile as I picked her up bridal style. She looked up at me with those big, innocent forest green eyes and smiled tiredly. Then she closed them and snuggled up to my chest for warmth and started to doze. We left her house after Bella had gotten some of Jackie's favorite clothes packed for her and on the way to Bella's house, Bella insisted on talking to me the whole way there.

  "I'm telling you. She totally digs you." She grinned, watching Jackie sleep peacefully and trustingly in my arms.

  "Impossible." I frown and look at the amazing girl in my arms. Could she? No. She's royalty. You're just a servant. Don't get carried away playing hero. I sighed. I'd been warned about this in training.

  Back home, where I'd grown up as a fighter (some people here would call us knights) I had heard legends about how at 16 years of age, a boy would go out to find the Chosen One. He would fight for her, fall for her, and die for her. Little did I know, I was the chosen one. When I found out, I vowed not to fall for any girl, lest she be the Chosen One. And here I am, flat on my face.

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