Chapter 16: Jackie

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Chapter 16: Jackie

Meeting my dragon was... Well, to put it simply, disappointing. The stall she was supposed to be in was empty.

Crestfallen as I examined the empty stall, I felt my shoulders sag from disappointment. Bella had gotten to see her dragon. Why didn't I get to meet mine? I turned around and looked at the beautiful boy behind me, shaking my head.

He frowned. "I'm sorry, Jackie. We can still go riding though, Mattias is a strong one. Plus you're so light I bet he wouldn't even notice the extra weight." Jared was trying to make me feel better, but it wasn't working. So I just smiled at him and nodded.

I followed him to his dragons stall, and I have to admit that his dragon was really beautiful. It's black body and blue eyes. I walked through the stall door and reached out his hand. Mattias leaned his nose into my hand and shivered just like Gian had when I had first touched the tan dragon.

"Jackie?" I looked at Jared who was holding out his hands as a step to help me up onto Mattias' back. Suppressing a sigh, I accepted his help, stepping in his hands and swinging up onto Mattias' back. Jared swung up next. Not going to lie, I was totally and completely aware of the way Jared's chest touched my back when Mattias took off.

My senses were alert from the adrenaline racing through my veins as we rushed to meet the clouds in the sky. Soon, Mattias slowed and leveled out just above the clouds. I grinned and reached out to run my left hand through the misty clouds.

Jared put a protective hand on my waist to keep me from falling.

"I'm not going to fall, you know," I said, righting myself on the dragon. His hand remains on my waist.

"I know. Just being safe," he replied, that annoying responsible tone strengthening his voice.

"Lighten up," I grumble teasingly as I lean back against his firm chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on top of my head. I smiled, resting my hands on top of his. I could do this forever. It felt right... Didn't it? Did it feel right to him? I wonder... Nope. No wondering. Curiosity killed the cat, right?

"I'm sorry you didn't meet your dragon today." Jared whispered, moving his head so he could talk in my ear.

"I'd forgotten about it until you mentioned it. But it's okay. It's not your fault." There was a short pause.

"It'll be soon."


"I promise."

"Jared," I groaned, a grin on my face.

"What?" I hear the smile in his voice.

"How did I never notice how annoying you are?" I joked, rolling my eyes.

"My charm disguises it," he says simply, shrugging his shoulders.

"And modest, too," I giggle and bat my eyelashes like one of those annoying girls you always see in movies. Jared just laughs and we go back to our silence and settle there comfortably.

"Jackie," Jared whispered, his arms leaving my waist and leaving me cold.

"What," I whisper back.

"We need to get back to the castle. Now."


"Mattias," Jared whispers harshly. The dragon stops and turns around quickly and flies back toward the castle.

Not two seconds after turning around, something zings past my shoulder. I look up to see a hole in the cloud above us. Soon, another one follows on the other side. Suddenly, I feel scared.

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