Chapter 1: Jackie's POV

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Hey guys this following story is really old, i wrote it a couple years ago... I hope you like it :)

RE Editing, please ignore, it's very late and I'm tired so I'm stopping halfway through thank you and good night


Chapter 1: Jackie

If you think that life is simple, you're wrong. Life is a complex network of strings, all somehow indirectly connecting. The smallest things can affect the largest amount of people. And it's those little things, the things no one sees, that make the biggest impact - and make life worth living.

I once was misled, thinking the world was simple and it was easy: wake up, survive, go back to sleep. So as usual, I rolled out of bed and went through the motions of my morning routine. Just like any other day.

I grabbed something small for breakfast, and tried not to miss the bus. Of course, I have this bad habit of always being just a couple minutes late, so I ended up riding my skateboard. It was less work than running, even though I still had to move quickly. Just an average day.

"Jackie, hurry up! You're gonna be late!" My best friend, Bella Matthews, called from in front of the school doors as I approached. Bella looked cute with her lovely brown hair perfectly styled, as usual.

"Coming, Belly!" I called in a sing-song tone. I knew that Bella hated it when I called her that. And thats exactly why I do it. I smiled wickedly to myself.

I sat down in my chair right as the bell rang, strapping my skateboard to my backpack and shoving it under my desk. The teacher glared at me as if to say, I'll get you one of these days, Thomas! I smirked and shot her a wink, knowing it'd make her more angry.

"As you've probably heard, class, there will be a new student joining us." The other students exploded with their chatter about what they thought the new student looked like and what their personality was like and blah, blah, blah. I kinda tuned them out. "He seems to be running late," She said over the excited chattering of my classmates. I kept my eyes fixed on my desk. "Oh, and Ms. Thomas, you will be showing him around. You will not be skipping out this time." She glared. I always get new kid duty! I groaned inwardly. I stayed quiet though, and suffered through the remainder of the class.

* * *

By lunch time, Bella and I were sitting by the fountain in the school courtyard, picking at our lunches. Everyone sat in their little cliques. Welcome to American High Schools. It wasnt long until the quiet chattering had become shouting. About halfway through lunchtime, I saw him: the new student.

He was fair-skinned. His short, shaggy almost black hair ruffled as the wind combed through it. His bright eyes glimmered with anxiety as he approached me and Bella.

"Jackie Thomas?" He asked, adjusting his backpack so it was in a more comfortable position on his shoulders.

"Yep, thats me," I smiled nervously and stood up, holding my hand out to shake his. His demeanor made him seem nervous, but his handshake was confident and sure. This is the new student? Ok, not exactly what I was expecting. I thought as our hands dropped back to our sides.

"My name is Jared Wright. The woman in the administration office told me to find you. She said you would show me around?" He said, shoving his free hand into his pants pocket.

"Yeah, I'm pretty much always getting new kid duty, but I don't mind doing a service for the school," I chuckled.

"Right," Bella scoffed.

"By the way, this is my best friend Bella." I gestures to Bella, who still hadn't stood up to greet the newcomer.

"Nice to meet you," He smiled awkwardly, not really seeming to know how to act towards her.

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