Chapter 11: Bella

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Chapter 11- Bella

I sat down in one of the elegant chairs that sat next to a round table draped with a white and silver cloth, struggling to keep my back straight and regal enough to be at this ball. I loved the dance. It was fun! But I'd been on the dance floor so much, my feet were probably swallowed by blisters now.

Looking over, I noticed that Jackie was probably having a harder time of it than me. Since she was the Princess, men had been asking to dance with her all night. I smiled. Two days ago, if someone had told me that my best friend would be in a ball gown dancing gracefully with various men, I would have checked them into a mental hospital.

I, however, had been dancing mostly with Malachi and a few other stray men who decided they wanted to steal me away from the beautiful blonde boy. Now was the only time when I could finally get a rest. Although I absolutely LOVED getting dolled up and glamified, I still hated heels.

I looked over at the dance floor to my left where the crowd of people who either didn't have the courage to join or couldn't dance worth crap gathered to watch making way for the beautiful princess that was my best friend.

I smiled at her and waved as delicately as I could. I was in the midst of royals, what could I say? I had to be delicate or I might've died of embarrassment. Jackie gave me a tired smile and walked over to my table and sat down at one of the chairs, her back straight as if it had become her habit now to sit that way.

"Ready for the party to end?" I asked teasingly. She gave me a look that said I was spot on.

"You have no idea." She said, her voice had an obvious tiredness to it. "You know better than anyone that I can't stay up past eleven." I nodded. Of course I knew: I was her best friend, duh.

"Well as soon as the party is over, I'll help you to your room to make sure you don't pass out." I tossed her a reassuring smile. She gave me another tired smile in return.

A bell started to chime. One. The dancers stopped and looked at eachother, smiling. Two. The princes, princesses, lords, ladies, dukes, duchesses and such began to say their goodbyes. Three. They trickled out. Four. Men of various kinds said goodbye to the princess in various ways, from winking flirtatiously to bowing formally. Five. A few jealous women whispered as they passed.

I stopped counting the chimes. I always hated math, even just counting. I knew the time, anyways; it was midnight. Soon, the last few people began to make their way out the doors. The only people left were me, Jackie and some other man (Well, I'm not sure if "man," would be the appropriate word seeing as he was around our age, maybe seventeen or eighteen.) I hadn't met yet, but assuming that he wore the same fancy uniform as Jared had been, he must've been okay. He was handsome with black-brown shaggy hair and brown eyes, but still not as attractive as Malachi. I smiled. Malachi. I looked down at my knees and blushed, mentally slapping myself in the face. I knew I had it bad.

The man made his way over to us. Something in my stomach told me that even though he was wearing the uniform, something wasn't quite right about him. I looked over at Jackie. She was staring at him, her face expressionless. I frowned. This was probably the first time I hadn't been able to read her like a book. (And I do love reading.)

"Yes, Brendan?" Jackie asked, sounding slightly on edge. But somewhere I thought maybe I heard a hint of... What... Softness? Fondness? I brushed my thoughts away and focused on their conversation.

"What," A smirk creeped onto Brendan's face. "Not happy to see me, Princess?"

"It's Jackie," She snapped. Then her gaze softened as she looked at her hands folded in her lap.. "And it's not that."

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