Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Dinner was uneventful, and to Nick's disappointment, Naomi didn't show up. As such, Nick at with Mark and Keith, and afterwards, found himself back the training arena with Keith. Keith had promised to show Nick how to project his energy, and the fourth year was making good on that promise.

"So before we start this, you need to promise me you won't go showing off." Keith was absentmindedly eating an apple as he spoke. "This is a technique that first years aren't supposed to know, and I could get in trouble for teaching you."

"I won't tell anyone." He smiled back at Keith, excited to start training.

"Alright, so first thing you need to do, is pull in as much power as you can." Nick complied, feeling his blue fire roar through his veins. No matter how many times he felt it, it was exhilarating.

"Now, for the next step, we're going to take it slowly." Keith walked up to Nick, and poke him on the chest. "I want you to focus your energy on that point, and visualize it forming a layer outside of your skin."

Nick closed his eyes and focused, trying to harness his physical power. Normally, he simply called it forth, and let it flow freely. But now, as with his spiritual power, he tried to grasp it, and force it to obey. He could feel it lashing against his willpower, but compared to the icy nature of his spiritual power, the physical power's struggle was laughable. After a brief moment, he had bent the energy to his will, and could feel it burning outside of his skin, a tingling sensation tickling his flesh.

"Alright, I think I've got it." He opened his eyes, and saw Keith wink before suddenly his fist was flying at Nick's chest. Nick tensed his body, knowing that strike was going to hurt.  Suddenly, Keith's arm stopped, slamming into an unseen force. Nick felt the weight of the blow, but it was as if a shield had absorbed the impact and damage. He couldn't help but smile.

"Well look at you Nicky. Not bad for your first time." Keith smile, and struck again. The blow pushed Nick back a step again, but his energy still held. He smiled as he wrestled control of more of his power, and reinforced the spot Keith had hit. That second punch had made it waiver.

Keith grinned, and swung a third punch at Nick. This time, his punch seemed to pause for a just a second, before Nick's energy shattered, and his fist made contact. It was slowed, but it still hurt.

"Your energy can be used both defensively and offensively. In this instance, I pushed the energy around my fist, allowing me to shatter your shield." He held up his fist, smiling. "The more power you have, the stronger you can project your energy. At the end of the second year, most physicals can cover their entire body at the same. And by the end of the third year." He stepped away from Nick, laughing. "You can launch offensive waves of physical energy." He tossed his apple core at Nick, and then punched the air. Before Nick's eyes, the apple core shattered, and then Nick was slammed by an invisible wall of power. He was flung backwards, and he couldn't help but feel Keith was enjoying this a little too much.

"Thanks for the warning jerk." He started to rise, taking a laughing Keith's hand as he stood. Just because his physical energy could heal all his wounds, didn't mean he enjoyed getting beat up.

"Sorry man, I've always been a hands on style of teacher." He laughed and took up a stance opposite of Nick. "How 'bout some sparring?"

Nick knew he didn't stand a chance against Keith if he used his full powers, but he wasn't going to pass up a chance to get better. After being so completely beaten by Rasha, Nick knew he needed to improve, fast. A vibration on his left hand pulled his attention away though. Pulling up his holoscreen, he saw a flashing message.

Text from Naomi

Curious, Nick pressed the icon, and a quick message appeared.

Nicky, meet me on the first year training hill. It's time for your punishment.

He recalled their interaction earlier, and he felt his face flush. Quickly he closed his holoscreen, and glanced at Keith.

"What is it buddy? We going to do this?"

"My uh, Becca wants to talk with." He wasn't sure why he was lying. For some reason, he didn't want to admit to Keith that Naomi had messaged him.

"What, your sister more important than me?" Keith feigned a look of sorrow, before cracking into a grin. "I'll let you off just this once, as long as you promise to put a good word in for me." He winked at Nick, and disappeared.

Without waiting another moment, Nick, power coursing through him, rushed towards the hill he had spent so much time training on over the past six months. He didn't know what to expect, but his heart and mind were racing as he headed towards his meeting with Naomi. He slowed as he neared the hill, seeing a single figure standing atop the hill. The light of the moon made her blue sparkle, and as she turned to look at him, a smile on her face, he stopped. She was beautiful.

"Hey." He smiled at her, while beating himself up over saying something so lame. She smiled at him, eyes sparkling mischievously. A moment later, Naomi disappeared, and Nick's stomach erupted in pain.

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