"Yeah just 'cause you only lasted 30 seconds with the beautiful woman that Aaron calls her family." Jay teased him.

"You know what guys I got this. I appreciate your help though." I smiled in appreciation, loving every single man standing in front of me like my own family. Even Colson. "He's just mad because he doesn't know how to let a woman. That he claims he's in love with. That's bullshit by the way. Because you don't hurt someone you're in love with as many times as you've hurt my sister. He doesn't know how to let her finish even though his 30 second fucking ass already did." I complete my thought. "Help me up. I want to go sit next to Trev." I try to get up.

"I gotcha." Irv helps me to my feet.

"Why're you always so bitchy towards me?" Colson blurts.

"I'm sorry?" I give him the hardest resting bitch face anyone's ever seen. "Are you carrying a baby?"

"N-" Kells starts.

"Do you get morning sickness? Or sick to anything the baby doesn't like?" I glare at him.

"No." He looks down.

"Do you have to deal with some asshole not treating your sister correctly. Not just during sex but constantly?" I cross my arms, waiting for an answer.

"No." He shook his head, looking down.

"That's what I thought." I sigh, fixing my outfit. "Damn, hurt my feelings when all I did was be honest with you." I look away from Colson, having heard Trev walk into the room. "Oof, YASS baby! Slay!" I hype.

"I am!" Trev struts into the room in her outfit that made everyone turn their heads. Her black top, zipped down showing off her cleavage, waist high tight black pants, that nearly looked see-through. Black stiletto boots on her feet and a red half faux coat slung on her arms. Trev's hair in an extremely messy ponytail, rounded dark sunglasses on her face. For sure dropping Colson jaw.

"You look fine, baby." Slim wrapped his arm around Trev's shoulder.

"Thank you." Trev squished Slims face, like fish face kinda, kissing his cheek.

"That's right." I caught her attention. "Act like you own them." I laugh as Rook flung himself on me.

"You got one, I'll take the rest." She joked causing everyone to laugh.

"What's with you today?" I wrap my arms around Rook, kissing his head as he held onto me and sat on the bed.

"I'm tired." Rooks voice vibrated against my stomach as he looked up at me talking.

"I'm sorry." I fake pout, then immediately break into a smile. Sleepy Rook was a cute Rook.

"Sleep with me?" JP nearly whined.

"Uhm." Trev cleared her throat.

"Yeah?" Rook looked at her.

"Y'all know we're still in here?" Slim looked at us.

"Rook she's already pregnant, man. What else could you do?" Ace teased him.

"Oh leave him be, that's not what he meant." I run my fingers through his hair.

"Well not this time." He chuckled, voice deep and sleepy.

"We have stuff to do today." Trev checked her phone. "Meet and greet, go to my parents after. We will be meeting Aaron there." She looked at Rook, causing him to groan. "Too much stress isn't good for the baby. Then you all have the spotlight later tonight." Trev smiled, nodding to herself.

"You're such a good assistant, damn. I mean honestly I'd forget to wake you guys up. Honestly would y'all even eat?" I think to myself for a moment.

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