"Why do you think he wants to take me on a date?" I look down at my phone then turn to face her.

"Because he obviously likes you. When I see him all I hear is 'How's A doing?' Or 'When's the next appointment for the baby?'" She smiles at me. "I know you like him too. Even if you don't realise it yourself." Trev cupped my cheek.

"Come on, we have to go." I stand up grabbing my keys and phone. "We should get going. I really want to see who he brought as your date."

We both go leave the house locking up and getting into my '67 black Chevy Impala. The car was given as a gift to me from an old family friend we met when we arrived in Cleveland. Starting the car Nirvana's album Bleach started blaring through the speakers, startling the both of us. Trev turned the radio down and we both laughed. We were singing along to the music as I drove us to the little pub we were meeting at. Rook wanted to take me because I had previously told him I haven't been to one in months. Pulling up to the pub I had parked the car. We both rolled up our windows and I decided to turn my phone off and leave it in the car.

From a distance we could see Rook leaning against the car he arrived in and talking to someone in the passenger seat. Trev got out waving at Rook. It took me a moment to get out. I had taken a deep breath to shake off the nerves and get the negative thoughts out of my brain before getting out.

"C'mon, Mama. He's looking concerned like you didn't show up." Trev mumbled through her smile.

I got out of the car and looked over at Rook flashing him my best smile. Trev breathed out in relief, locking her arm with mine as we walked over to the two men now standing outside the pub. To my surprise Rook had brought Colson as Trev's date.

"Hey." Rook smiles as we finally get up to them. He leans down and kisses my cheek.

"Hey." I smile back, returning a kiss on his cheek as it happened. We both felt Colson and Trev's eyes on us.

"Uh-" Colson cleared his throat. "I got you this." He grabbed a small box out of his pocket and handed it to Trevor.

"I wasn't expecting gifts but thank you." Trev smiled, opening the box to a gold machine gun necklace. "It's beautiful." She went to put it in her purse.

"Yeah. Why don't you put it on." I elbow her in the side.

"Ow." She groaned quietly, "fine, Colson do you mind?" She handed him the necklace, turning around and lifting her hair, as he put the necklace on her.

"Looks even better on you." He smiled.

"Hey, Mama, you guys head in. I'm going to talk to Colson for a moment, okay?" She looked at Rook and I.

"Sure." Rook nodded, taking my hand in his and guiding me inside. "You look beautiful, tonight." His comment getting a reaction from me. You could tell he didn't know if it was a positive or negative look. "Not that-- not that you don't already look beautiful on a daily basis." He stutters out.

"Thank you." I giggle. He's so adorable when he's nervous. "You're not so bad yourself." I smile at him and he wraps his arm around my shoulder, getting us a booth for the four of us.

It felt like forever since Colson and Trev had been outside talking. When really it was just a few minutes later that they had come in.

"Hey, sorry about that. I had to ask Colson a work related question." Trev sat next to Kells as they took their seats.

"On a date?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Technically before a date." She stated.

"Starting to think she doesn't know when to stop with the work questions." Colson coughed.

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