He looked about 30, not even that. But I looked exactly like him, the hair and eyes were different but I looked like him. He had sharp cheekbones and a rather sharp nose. Frown lines decorated his forehead, showing the only age that would make him my father.

"What?" I asked, still shocked.

I heard one of my kidnappers snicker. He was silenced with one look from the man on the throne. "You look nothing like your mother" he said, speaking to me again.

I closed my eye and opened them again, just making sure he was real. "You kidnapped me to tell me I look nothing like my mother?" I asked, reality starting to set in.

A smirk graced his face. "Although, you do have her fiery spirit" he replied.

I bit my lip, wanting to say a few things but thought the better of it. "I am your father, and you will be taking my throne" he said, standing up slowly.

I blinked again. "Excuse me?" I asked.

He walked down the steps towards me, wearing a silver and black waist coast and black slacks. He looked fit to be a king but I wouldn't bow down to whoever this man was. I struggled to my feet and I could see his eyes flash as I did so.

"You will rule the Vampires, not the fae" he said, through his teeth.

My eyes widened. "I don't know who you are!" I exclaimed.

"I'm your father Diana!" He growled back..

"That's impossible! If you're a vampire than you can't procreate!" I exclaimed.

The kidnappers took several steps back as my supposed father grew nearer. "You're testing my patience, do you agree to be Queen of the Vampires?" he asked, lifting a hand and pulling in a strand of my hair.

"Like hell she does, get your hands off her!" I heard a voice snap.

I turned around quickly to see Marcus stride into the room. His black hair slicked back and silver eyes focused on my supposed father. Black riding boots up to his knees and grey skinny jeans. A black shirt and leather jacket to match.
He was something out of a wet daydream.

"Who are you?" My father sneered.

Marcus straightened his back. "I am Marcus Reeves, reborn by William King, High Consullor of the Brooklyn Vampire Clan, and you have your hands on the girl that I love" he spat back.

My heart leapt into my throat at his words, obviously affected that he still cared for me..
For now, until he finds out.

I shook away my thoughts as the other vampire walked slowly towards him, letting me go. "You have some nerve coming here William's offspring!" He snapped.

Marcus narrowed his eyes. "I suggest you stop talking" he growled out.

"You will not speak to me that way! I am far older than you newborn" the King growled back.

Marcus looked at me. "Are you hurt?" He asked, his voice tense.

I shook my head no and raised my eyebrows in question. Marcus turned back to the King. "Scathach" he called out.

Fear crossed my supposed father's face and he stepped back as the ancient warrior stalked into the room. She had a hand ready on the hilt of a sword and her eyes peeled on the King.
"Scathach? I was told you didn't choose sides anymore?" The King asked.

A cruel smirk crossed the warriors face. "Oh when it concerns you Knight, I'm very happy choosing whatever side you aren't on" she replied.

"I have no quarrel with you" my father said, his tone strained.

"No, but you have quarrel with her and I'm afraid I can't allow that" Scathach said, pointing at me.

Marcus started walking towards me, his hand outstretched. I glanced at the guys behind me but they didn't move. "She's my daughter Scathach, I have a right to speak to her!" He exclaimed.

"That may be so, but you do not kidnap her from my home without my permission, what sort of King are you if you don't use the right channels?" She asked, stepping forward and her hand tightening on the blade.

"I wasn't aware she was at your home, I did not get that information" he replied. 

Marcus reached me and pulled me into his arms, making me breathe in his familiar scent. I seemed to relax in his arms. "We're going now, do not try and stop us" Scathach said final.

Marcus took my hand and led me past the King who watched us leave. Scathach followed us, shooting the King a look.
I followed Marcus, still in shock as to what just happened.

"Wait, how did you find me?" I asked Marcus as we walked outside.

He turned around and stopped, pulling me to a stop as Scathach walked past us to a car I could spot. "Diana, wherever you go, I will find you, I will always be here to find and protect you" he said, smiling slightly.

My heart tinged. "So you're not mad at me?" I asked.

"Mad at you? No Diana! I'm the one you should be mad at, I almost hurt you" he said, shock filling his face.

I sighed. "Marcus, I don't care what you are, as long as your name is Marcus, I will always always love you" I replied, looking up from my hands.

Marcus replied by pulling me into a kiss.


At long last, Marcus and Diana reunited.

Diana's father will play a huge part in her role to come. But Ssh.. I gotta tease ya.

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Tavana's Fun Fact:

My favourite colour is blue, like the colour of my eyes. Sometimes they are the lightest blue but in the middle of the night, they go really really dark.
It's kinda beautiful and cool.

What colour are your eyes?

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Love T, xoxo

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