《 FIVE 》

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《 Austin's Truth 》

I sat down on my bed, my head in my hands. "Look, I didn't want things to be like this but when Marcus arrived, I grew frantic" Austin said, kneeling to my height.

"Why?" I asked, tilting my head to look at him.

"You don't see what I see when he looks at you, he had nothing else here so why would he come back if not for you?" Austin asked.

"That's insane, Marcus and I haven't spoken in four years, he likely had forgotten me" I replied, rubbing my temples.

"I very much doubt that Diana, you are not someone that can be forgotten" Austin said strongly.

I flushed and sat up. "Everything is so confusing" I said, my eyes meeting Austin's.

"I know, and I promise that I will be here to answer any supernatural questions you have" Austin replied.

"Thank you" I said quietly.

Austin stood up slowly. "I have to go, uh things to do so text me if you need anything okay?" He asked touching my shoulder.

I nodded. He glanced me over with a worried look before leaving my room. I heard him bidding goodbye to my mother before the front door closing. "Diana?" My mum's voice called.

I stood up and jogged downstairs. "Yeah?" I asked, pushing NY fringe out of my eyes.

"There's a certain boy on our front yard arguing with your new friend" Mum said as I spotted her near the front curtains. 

I peeked out beside her and saw Marcus and Austin arguing. "Excuse me, mum" I said pulling away and running to the front door.

I pulled it open and stomped outside. Marcus noticed me first, by standing up straight and looking at me. Austin turned his head to watch me stomp over.
"What are you doing?" I hissed at Marcus.

Marcus raised an eyebrow. "I was trying to save you from him, I told you to stay away from him" Marcus growled out.

Austin stood in front of me as if to protect me. I touched his shoulder and Austin glanced at me before stepping back. "You don't get to tell me to do anything Marcus, I suggest you leave" I snapped.

"Yeah" Austin replied.

Marcus turned his attention to him. "I'm sure you wouldn't want this puppy following you around" he insulted.

Austin growled, his eyes flashing. "Oh bite me Marcus" Austin replied.

"Gladly" Marcus replied, his lip curling.

"Will you both cut it out, Austin please just go, I've got this" I said, turning to him.

Austin nodded. "I know you do, see you at school" he said to me before glaring at Marcus.

Austin walked over to his car and jumped in. He drove away as I turned back to Marcus. "Really? Insulting him, that's a good way to go, I'd really love to him rip your throat out.." I replied.

"It's a metaphor" Marcus replied.

"Insulting a werewolf? Is a metaphor?" I asked in disbelief.

Fury crossed his face. "He told you?"He snarled.

"What that I know your a vampire? That I'm faerie?" I asked, tilting my head.

Marcus didn't say anything. "Why didn't you tell me?" I snapped.

He turned his head away. "Of corse, now you decide to go silent, you know what, get off my damn lawn" I snapped before turning around and walking back towards my front door.

"Can you not see why I had to hide the truth? Look how your overreacting, it's not as bad as you think" Marcus said, turning his head.

"Not as bad as you think? Marcus! You're dead! Do you hear me? You died and I had no idea!" I screamed, spinning around and thrusting myself at him.

I banged my fists against his chest in anger, he met me. He didn't flinch or try to stop me. "I'm sorry Diana" was all he said.

I stopped exhausted. "How could you do this to me! How could you not call me over these past four years and tell me you were alright, I thought we were best friends!" I yelled, my voice hoarse.

"Diana" Marcus said softly, full of guilt.

I crumpled to the ground, sobs racking my body as the last four years caught up to me. I heard Marcus shift as he knelt down in front of me.
"You were never just a friend to me" he said, lifting my chin with his knuckle. 

I blinked. "What?"

"You were so much more, and it took my death to realise how much you meant to me" he continued. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

"You must have known, you must have known how much I loved you, I didn't exactly hide how I felt" he said, inching closer.

I crawled back, hoping to keep the distance between us. "Stop it Marcus, it's not funny" I snapped.

"Do you see me laughing?" He asked.

I crawled back before scrambling up to my feet. "Go away" I said, not wanting to hear anymore of it.

"No" he replied. 

I turned around to run for the door but Marcus was already there. I froze, without thinking, I lifted my hands up.
"Don't come any closer, vamp" I said.

Marcus cocked his head. "You wouldn't know the first thing about how to use your powers, you didn't even know you had any" Marcus said..

"I said stop" I growled out as he inched closer.

Suddenly, he was pulling me towards him. He cut off my scream, placing his hand over my mouth. "Just because our species are at war, doesn't mean we have to be, I'm not here to hurt you Diana, I may be a vampire but I am still Marcus" he said, slowly letting go.

I looked at him with wide eyes. "I'm still me Diana, I still love you" he said, stepping back.

"See you around" he said before turning around and walking back to his house.

I stared after him, shocked and unsure on what to say.


Sorry I've taken so long to update!
I've been busy with work and I'm just heaps tired at the moment because it's really hot. I'm talking 42° Celsius.

Anyway! Did you enjoy the chapter!
Everything's out in the open but now let the games begin!
Omg guys! We reached #118 in Vampire!
I can't

Love, T xoxo

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Shout out to all you amazing readers!

Bite Me ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora