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《 You Chose The Wrong Side 》
《 Marcus's POV 》

"You have to understand! She's not a pawn! She's a person!" I yelled out as I slammed my hands against the heavy iron door.

Again, I was met with silence and I drove my fist into the concrete wall until my knuckles were bloody. Then, I watched them heal.

I sighed fustrated and turned to face my brick cell.
Well, this is what you get for loving someone.

I heard the lock on my door slide back and I turned to face it as Jackson pushed it open, holding a black bag.
"Jackson! You have to get me out of here!" I exclaimed.

He just chuckled and closed the door, walking over to the only table in here. "Sorry, no can do, my alliance is with the Consul" he replied smirking. 

He opened the bag and I heard a clink of chains hitting each other. I winced. "You don't have to do this" I almost whispered. 

Jackson lifted up the chains and grinned maliciously. "Oh but I want too" he replied, coming nearer.

《 Diana's POV 》

"Ow!" I yelled as Taron threw me through the air again.

He simply laughed and jogged over to help me up. "Use your shield, I taught you how" he replied.

I glared at him. "Well sorry! Some of us weren't raised learning how to be a badass" I replied, huffing. 

I brushed the dirt off my clothes and straightened. Taron just shook his head, his hair falling in his eyes. "The Queen expects you to understand and use your powers" he replied, almost as if he was reading from a script.

"Enough of that bullshit Taron, everyone can see how much you hate our mother" I replied, walking back to my marker.

"I don't hate her" he said stiffly.

"Really? I wouldn't have noticed with all the ignoring, orders, glares and avoiding contact" I replied sarcastically.

"Sarcasm will get you killed" he replied formally.

"So be it, what happened between you two! I'm your sister! You can tell me!" I exclaimed.

Taron shook his head and prepared to blast me again with his magic. "Let me guess, you told her you loved a boy, she disowned you, you disowned the royal name and became a soldier only, said boy you were in love with was a complete Queen ass kisser and totally left you in the dust.. am I right?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

I was replied with being knocked back.

Marcus's POV 》

My hands dangled from the ceiling, dried blood leaving a trail down my arm.
I could barely lift my head and I hung there, my breath shallow.

"You shouldn't have disobeyed the Consul Marcus, you were doing so well" Jackson said ad he sharpened his blade.

"I'd rather die than see Diana hurt, you'd feel the same if it was Julie" I muttered.

"Don't. Bring. Julie. Into. This!" Jackson yelled, seething.

"Hurt me, kill me but for the love of God, don't hurt Diana" I said, lifting my head to rest on my arm.

Jackson dropped the knife sharper on the table and walked over to me. Pressing the blade to my throat, the cold steel kissed lightly.

"I'm going to hurt Diana, like I'm hurting you, except she doesn't heal and that's the fun part" he replied, his lip curling.

I started forward but the knife dug into my skin, I could feel blood trickle down my throat. I winced before falling back.

"You're weak, your father was stupid to pick you" he said pulling his knife away.

I closed my eyes and imagined Diana standing in front of me. She was cupping my cheeks, telling me she loved me.
"Enough Jackson" a rough voice said, breaking me free of my daydream.

I opened my eyes to see my cruel father standing at the door, leaning on his cane.

His jet black hair streaked with white as he tried to appear older. "Come to see me die, father?" I asked, my voice raw.

His eyes flickered to mine and pain flashed across them. "Out" he order to Jackson.

Jackson bowed before leaving, dropping the knife on the table. "Marcus, why didn't you just go through with the plan?" He asked, walking closer.

"Because I love her, you remember what that felt like, right?" I asked, wincing as I tried to follow him with my gaze. 

"You know she will choose a werewolf over you, vampires can't procreate" he said, walking a circle around me.

"Just because her mother did that to you, doesn't mean she will do it to me" I replied, coughing as blood trickled out of my mouth.

He faced me again, the hard lines of many years alive finally stretching across his face. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at me. "I had high hopes for you" he said almost wistfully.

"Sorry I let you down" I replied, the cuts healing again.

"You chose the wrong side Marcus" he said.

"And I'll do it over again if I have too" I replied, loyal.

My father pursed his lips. "Jackson!" He called out.

The idiot himself, came lumbering into view. "Yes, sir?" He asked, false sweet.

"Let him down and give him blood, the Consul wants to speak to him" he ordered before turning on his heel and walking away.

"Guess it's your lucky day, loverboy" he said, unchaining my wrists.

My body screamed in agony as my bones broke back into shape. I fell onto his chest and I immediately reached my mind out, hoping he'd be listening.

Taron, can you hear me?


Taron, take her and run, they're coming for her, take her and keep her hidden.

Marcus, where are you? Where did you go?

I'm back at the Consul, I've been injured, badly. Don't tell Diana, she doesn't need to know. Just take her and run..

Where do I go?

Take her to Ireland, vampires hate Ireland.

But that's...

I know, just go.

Ok, she misses you.

My eyes closed in pain, sadness. I miss her too.


Hmmm, I wonder why Vampires hate Ireland?
Any guesses?

And who wants to sign a petition to get Jackson murdered!
How dare he hurt our beloved Marcus!

Do you think his father is on his side or not?

But our poor Marcus is in pain.. :((

Comment and Vote!
I'd like to thank you guys for everything!!
I love you and wish I could meet you!

T xoxox

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