《 ONE 》

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《 The Beginning 》

"Can you believe today of all days, is the time that Mr Springer quite literally springs a test on us" my best friend Caseys groaned.

I chuckled to myself as I handed her a Bobby pin. She shook her head in the mirror and rolled her eyes. "I aas so unprepared and I'm pretty sure I've failed" she said.

"I think that's the whole point of a surprise test, Case" I replied.

She rolled her eyes again. "At least I wasn't the only one who was unprepared, Mr Hottie totally flunked his, he wrote I don't care in the title when he handed his over" Caseys said, wiggling her eyebrows.

I blushed and stared in the mirror at the reflection of my beautiful best friend. "Well he can do what he likes, I on the other hand cannot afford to fail any class so I just did it" I replied as I leant away.

Casey chuckled. "You and Austin could not keep your eyes off each other the whole period, so don't tell me you got any work done" Casey replied as we headed for the bathroom door.

I blushed again as we met up with the rest of the group. Austin shot me a smirk and I looked away quickly. "Diana!" Someone called out.

I looked around before finding the source. "Hey V, what's up?"I asked as she neared closer.

"Just wanted to say hi! I got back from Canada and I missed you" she said giving me a side hug.

She squeezed into the group and Casey squeezed Vienna into a hug. "Welcome back!" Casey half squealed.

While they reconnected I felt an arm brush mine and I looked up to see Austin had squeezed himself between my friend Dylan and I. I gave him a flirty smile which he returned.

"I have an idea" Austin said suddenly.

The group looked at him. "We should go to my parents lakehouse this weekend and have a few drinks" he said glancing at me before the group.

Immediately, everyone was all for it. "I can't go" I said, pouting.

Austin looked at me quickly and Casey raised her eyebrows. She was giving me that look. The look that said this was my opportunity with Austin. "Is everything okay?" Austin asked immediately.

"Yeah, just got my little sisters first dance concert on Friday night" I replied.

The group pouted. "Then we'll go Saturday night, you gotta come Diana, you'll love it" Austin said, smiling.

I glanced at Casey who gave me a sneaky thumbs up. "Okay sure" I replied. 

The group high five each other before the bell rang. Casey looped her arm through my right and Vienna looped hers through my left arm and we headed towards our class. "I can't believe you were going to pass up a great moment to get all cuddly cuddly with Austin" Casey said, squealing.

I rolled my eyes. "Guys, he doesn't like me like that" I said, brushing. 

They both gave me a stern look. "What! He doesn't!" I defended. 

Casey looked over and I heard her gasp. I rolled my heads at her dramatics.
"Is that Marcus? Marcus as in, from our High School Marcus!" Casey squeaked.

My head shot up, looking where she was looking, not quite believing her.. but there he was.

The last time I had seen him, we were waving at each other as he passed my house. We had been friends since kindergarten until four years ago. He disappeared off the map, never to be heard from.

At first, it didnt look like him but then I studied his features. It was him, my old best friend. He strode through the school like he owned it and my god, he could've. He'd changed over the four years he'd been gone.

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