#77 Jeff Carter

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Song: Soldier by Gavin degraw


Your pov!

I got up off the cold bathroom floor wiping my eyes in the process. I looked at myself in the mirror over the sink and sighed.

People should hate me, I'm ugly, stupid, and I definitely don't deserve Jeff. He deserves a girl that's smart and beautiful. Besides dating an NHL player doesn't make the matters any better. all his fans hate my guts. they wish he never broke up with his ex girlfriend Alaina. I walked out of the washroom and sat on my bed.

We have been dating for 6 months now and I try my very best to Mute out the negative comments I hear people say and I try my best to ignore what's being posted on Twitter and Instagram. but now I've hit my breaking point. reading these comments kill me

'she's such a slut...why would Carter Like her?'

'Not pretty & not smart, I never knew Jeff Carter would date a lost cause!'

'if @(y/twitter/n) actually cared about Jeff Carter she would leave him and go jump off a cliff'

My hands began to shake as my phone dropped to the carpeted floor, tears we're pouring out of my eyes and nothing could stop them. people want me dead... I knew people hated me but now they actually want me gone for good.

I let my tears fall as I walked out of my room, leaving my phone on the floor, I don't need it anymore. I began to write Jeff a goodbye letter.

Hey Jeff! I don't know how to say this but I'm leaving you for good.I can't take it anymore, the fans hate me and I'm nothing but a burden on you! I swear I tried to block it all out but it just keeps getting worse and in all honesty your fans are right I'm nothing special and you deserve someone better, Find yourself a keeper! I'll always love you... goodbye Jeff

-love (y/n) xox!

I threw on a hoodie and grabbed my car keys.Thats it I'm going to give everyone what they want

I'm going to kill myself.

I drove for hours until my destination came into view. I always come to this place, a Cliff point that's surrounded by nothing but trees and a dirt road. Jeff and I always come here for some quiet time, I found this place before I met Jeff and surprisingly one night I came here and I saw Jeff he was sitting with his knees to his chest and it was midnight, the air was foggy yet cool, and all I could here was Jeff's Steady breathing and his sniffles. We talked that night and we opened up to one another more than we realized. It was the best night ever. I can't believe I'm ending my life at the same place I met my knight in shining armour.

I let my feet dangle over and I looked out at the sunset. Jeff should be home now and I hope he is okay with the news he received, I mean he will move on, girls are in love with his blonde hair and blue eyes, they love his toned chest and his smile. I didn't fall in love with that part of Jeff when we first met, I fell in love with the fact that he wasn't afraid to cry about a loss and the fact that he knew the exact words to tell me when i opened up to him and told him about my break up.

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