#11 Brendan Gallagher

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Song:kiss you inside out-hedley

Your pov

I cuddled deeper into my boyfriend of 4 months, Brendan's side.we we're watching a movie at my place because he just got back from playoff practice. it was the them against the NewYork Rangers. The series is 3-2, New York can win it in the next game but hopefully they don't!.

"Are you coming to newyork Tomorrow?" Brendan Asked as he popped a few skittles into his mouth.

I shook my head, no as a frown appeared on my face "I have an exam, I swear summer classes suck" I groaned

"I really hope we kick their ass!" Brendan added as he played with my fingers

I entwined our hands and looked up at him with a smile "play like you guys did the last game and you'll do great"

"I'm glad Chuckys back! he's a big help you know" Gallagher smiled thinking of his best friend

"I'm sure the fans are just as happy especially the girls, your guys is bromance is really famous and loved by hockey fans" I explained

"You think it beats subbans and priceys?" he joked

I laughed "yes, mostly because you guys are younger and attract younger fans as well, I have to be honest I ship you guys"

"Well it doesn't matter if you do or don't cause your mine" Gally whispered kissing me softly


I walked into my apartment and shrugged off my jacket and shoes before immediately plopping onto my couch. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv I'll be able to watch the last period of the game since I took awhile with my exam and assignments. I groaned realizing it was still 1-0 in favour of The rangers!

Gosh do I hate that team, they hurt price and play dirty! I don't care if it was an accident or not I shall be mad from now until the day I die.

It's been ten minutes and the score hasn't changed, I really hope the boys can take it to OverTime.

"No!!!!" I shouted realizing they missed three times in a row "come on boys show them what you got!" I yelled letting my anger get the best of me.

Come one there's only a minute left you guys gotta score! I yelled in my head.

The game ended and I buried my face in my hands letting my tears fall. they're out! no more playoff hockey. I can't imagine how Gally feels right now, I can't imagine how the whole team feels! they've come so far. they swept Tampa Bay and they beat the president trophy winners but now they got kicked out in the sixth game. I'm heart broken. I'm even more mad because I won't see Gallagher until tomorrow. unless I go there now! that's crazy, he'll think I'm taking things too quickly and what not. you know what I'm going right now!

Brendan's pov

We're out. we're out of the playoffs. we don't get a chance at the Stanley cup. I wiped my tears as I laid my head back onto my pillow. I grabbed my phone and noticed I had a missed call from (y/n)!

I called her back, craving her comforting voice

"Hey Brendan" her voiced rang through my ear

"H-hey" i paused "I wish you we're here"

"I am"

My heart beat increased and I grinned helplessly "really! are you joking? please don't be kidding around I'm really not in the mood"

"No, no I'm serious!" she laughed

I heard a knock on the hotel room door and groaned 'has to be Galchy coming back for something I thought

"Hold on a sec babe, There's someone at the do-"

I threw my phone and pulled (y/n) into my arms, we've been dating for a few months but I'm really serious about her and I think she feels the same.

"Your-your here!" I exclaimed rubbing her back as she kissed my cheek

She blushed pulling away "ya, I thought you could use you a buddy" she stuttered out

I sat down and she sat behind me letting her hands massage my tense shoulders and sore back. "thanks" I murmured

"You know Gally, I believe in you a lot. I mean you guys played your best out there. sometimes things don't end up the way you want them too but last year you guys got kicked out the first round this year you guys made it to the conference final, and you guys showed boston whose boss plus you guys are the only team to have a sweep this year" she explained

I got up and turned around to face her body that was in a pretzel formation "listen (y/n) I know you're right I know we had an amazing playoff run but I just- I just feel so useless and worthless. I feel like it's my fault! maybe if I took charge or even stopped that player from running into price things would be different! maybe if they had a better centre-man than me they would've made it to the cup finals! Maybe if I-"

"BRENDAN STOP!" (y/n) yelled

I closed my mouth And looked at her knowing she was going to carry on

"Listen, Brendan I don't know what to do to stop you from blaming yourself but what I do know is your team loves you, your friends love you your family loves I love you and we all care about you and will always be here for you. you're not alone!"

I let my eyes bore into (y/n)'s "you love me?" I asked not blinking nor breaking eye contact

"What? uh...I-I I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to say that , it kinda just slip-"

I stopped her stuttering and crashed my lips onto hers. she pulled back and searched my eyes "do you...do you feel the same way?"

I nodded "I love you (y/n)"

We pulled our bodies closer and I reattached my lips to her chapped ones

We're closer, & I like it


Enjoy @Amymusic8

Hey! Finally an update!! Sorry life is still hectic!😳😳

Anyways vote & comment! Xx


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