#9 Matt Duchene

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I slumped down further into the passenger seat of matts car and groaned. He sent me a wink before snickering to himself. Why won't he tell me where he's taking me? The only reason I want to know is because I have no patience for surprises. Once someone says they have a surprise for me A million and one things enter my mind.

I stuck my tongue out at matt and he sent me another wink in response only making me more agitated

"Just tell me Where we're going matt" I whined as I kicked my feet up onto the dashboard

"Okay okay! Fine I'll tell you" matt agreed "we're going to-"

I looked at Matt and added "to?"

He burst out laughing and a look of confusion etched onto my face

"Do you actually think I crack that easily? Seriously (y/n) you should know me better" Matt chuckled as his eyes wandered from the road to me.

I rolled my eyes at his childish ways "I know you well enough to know that you love me so much you'll do anything I ask of you, so tell me where we're going"

"You're right I do love you but I'm not telling you and besides were almost there"

I crossed my arms and let out a grumbled "Fine" before letting my eyes watch the scenery outside.

After about 15 minutes or more of driving The car came to a halt. I looked outside and saw nothing but a field with a few trees and plants. We exited matts truck and he took my hand in his. I kept quiet knowing soon enough Matt will explain why we're here.

He opened the trunk of his truck and my eyes glossed over with tears as I took a look inside the trunk. There was a fuzzy navy blue blanket laid out and on top of it was a basket I'm assuming is filled with snacks.

"Do you know where we are?" Matt asked as he studied my face

I shook my head, no.

"We're at the quietest place on earth" Matt smiled

"Really?" I laughed

"Mhm" Matt picked me up unexpectedly and set me in his trunk before hopping in himself "I come here a lot and I thought since we've been dating for 2 years I would like to introduce to you my favourite place next to a hockey rink"

I laid down and Matt followed suit, we sat and talked for hours on end about nothing and everything at the same time.

The sun was no longer out but the night sky was filled with beautiful stars and a clear bright moon. I felt matts eyes on me so I let my (y/eyecolour) eyes meet with his.

"(Y/n) I love you." Matt paused and bit his lip before looking up " I love your voice, your smile, your laugh, I love the little things that most people don't notice about you. I love the way your eyes crinkle when you find something hilarious, I love how you yell at the TV when you're watching hockey. I love how i find you beautiful but you find yourself a planeJane because then I get to remind you every night of how stunning you really are" matts eyes moved back to mine and he grabbed my hand before entwining our fingers "what I'm trying to say is that you are everything I'm not, but everything you're not is everything I need" Matt sat up and pulled me up with him.

His hand moved to his hoodie pocket and he pulled out a red velvet box. I gasped as realization hit me.

"(Y/n) (y/last/n) will you marry me?"

Happy Tears poured from my eyes and i nodded my head vigorously. "Of course I will Matt"

He slipped the ring onto my finger and i pulled him into a deep passionate kiss, I would never forget.

-----end of flashback-----

My Hands were clammy and my breathing was shaky. It's my wedding day, the day I fantasized about since my teenage years.

I looked to the door of the room I was in when I heard the doorknob move from the outside. I smiled as my dads silhouette entered the room.

"Wow" my dad stared at me in awe before pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "My baby girl is getting married"

I giggled before kissing my dads cheek. "Are you to go down the isle?"

I let out a deep breath of air before nodding my head. "I've Never been more ready"

My dads hand hooked with mine and my hands were tightly holding onto my bouquet of roses. My dad and I stood at the entrance the ceremony was taking place. The doors were opened by two workers on the other side and me and my father stepped inside and began our walk down the isle. Everyone was standing and staring but I kept my eyes on the floor. When I looked up my eyes locked with Matts and I smiled brightly at him. My dad kissed my forehead before placing my hand in matts hand. I stood across of him and the priest began to speak.

Once his speech was over he asked the one question I couldn't wait to answer

"(Y/n) (y/last/n) do you take Mathew As your lawful wedded husband? Through sickness and in health?" The priest asked me

I smiled as tears left my eyes "I do"

"Mathew Duchene do you take (y/n) (y/last/nam) as your lawful wedded wife, through sickness and in health?"

Matt sent me a warm smile and said "I do"

"You may now kiss the bride" the priest informed Matt.

Matt pulled me into him and warped his arms around my waist before letting his lips meet mine. A million sparks flew just like the First time we kissed

"I love you" I whispered as we pulled away

"I love you too" Matt whispered back before reattaching our lips.

Enjoy MrsMattDuchene
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