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"Have you found her yet?" The growling voice of Min Yeong-suk was the only sound that could be heard inside his office. He had Kai and IU's managers on their knees in front of him. They both had their heads down and IU's manager shook his head. Yeong-suk picked up a paded folder and threw it at the manager. Luckily, the flat part hit him in the head and not the corner.

"Do you want to never work in this country again? I can send you in a North Korean coal mine and you can live out the rest of your lives there." The North and South Korean relations had improved since 2018 when the war officially ended and economic relations improved between the two countries. A decade since, South Koreans and North Koreans can move freely and work in either countries. But South Koreans who are in the dirt poor districts end up in North Korean mines the same way they used to go on ships to fish for months. It was the worst kind of work situation a city-bred person could ever experience. The managers shook their heads and stiffled their sobs.

"Suzy is not in South Korea, sir. I think she took off with Ji Eun. But JYP officials are saying that she is on vacation with her husband." IU's manager muttered.

"Where is Lee Min Ho now?"

"He's in the Philippines, sir. He followed her there. Suzy and him met up with Sandara Park."

"That traitor is giving shelter to other traitors, huh?" He stood up and walked towards the two men.

"You better get them to admit where the fuck my wife is or so help me, I will make sure you fuckers die in a hole somewhere where no one can find you til you are all but ashes." He kicked them on their sides and ordered his men to drag the two away, "Don't come back here until you have her or I might not let you walk out on your own two feet."

He sat down and slammed his hand on the table. He opened the hologram tube and saw the live news of Kai's press conference. He tried to change the channel but all the major networks were on the same thing. "Fucking breaking news." Even LOEN's own news channel was not immune to the live feed. They were instructed to down play the event but the PD of the news channel had refused to budge.

He pressed a green button on his table, "Get me the Network president now!" His secretary hologramed the president and he was greeted by an old executive who was bowing 90 degrees at him. "Fire that PD and all the staff! Can't you handle your own people?"

"Right away sir." He ended the call and the news feed on LOEN continued on. The anchor pressed on his in-ear and went pale at what he heard. He squared his shoulder and faced the camera head on.

"We just received notice from our Network president to stop the feed for the live press conference. I have just received notice that I, along with all the current PD and staff of LOEN NEWS would be dismissed due to our insubordination. We have been told prior to this news slot that we should not show the press conference. As newsmen and women who have been delivering the news to you the best and least biased form that we could over the years, we have all decided to continue with what we believe should be given to our viewers, the truth. The amount of gapjil that has been happening in LOEN for the past decade, since the rise of our current CEO Min Yeong-suk has been summarily covered up and we have been used to show only the good things that would bring LOEN and himself into the good graces of the people. And for this, just for today as our last broadcast as a team, we will ask for the forgiveness of the South Korean people, of the Korean people and our global viewers, by bringing you the truth about the man who has caused the fall of LOEN from grace. Kim Jungki is live in SNU hospital at Kim Jong-in's press conference."

Yeong-suk was in shock with what the anchor just said and pressed the button again. "Get me the network president again! Now!"

"Sir, I was trying to do that but he was not picking up."

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