Lost Sister : J

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Jessica felt the chill coming back to Seoul. She's been away and hadn't wanted to come back in a very long time. And now she was back because her sister is in the hospital.

Is she even going to let me see her?

"What is going on? They have always been very close. What happened to them?" Aware than ten years is a very long time, Jonghyun asked S for context.

S made a slashing move and Jonghyun was surprised that there was a slit through the scene in front of them. S walked through the slit and Jonghyun carefully followed.

They were inside the training center for SM and Jonghyun saw a door slightly open. He could hear people arguing inside.

"Where are you going? Are you really leaving me here?" It was Krystal aka Soo-jung.

"You know I can't keep working like this. I am EXO but not EXO. It doesn't make sense for me to put up with this level of disrespect." Jonghyun walked into the room and saw Kai stiffly sitting next to a standing Soo-jung. She had her hands on her waist as she paced in front of Kai aka Jongin.

"You can't leave me here. I won't survive without you." She was pleading with him. Jonghyun wanted to grab at Jongin. S didn't stop him this time. But when he tried to grab Jongin's shoulder, his hand just went through the person.

What the heck was that?

S answered for him. "Think of this as watching the past in 4D. You can't touch them and they can't see you. Everything has already happened. Angels can't change the past."

What Jonghyun would do with that skill right now.

S pulled him through another slit in the air and they ended up at someone's dining room.

"You are giving up your contract for a guy?" Jessica's voice pierced through the house. "Are you out of your mind?"

Soo-jung answered back, "You can do it but I can't?"

"You saw what happened to me when I followed my heart! I got used and abused and now I am broke, single and stuck!"

"You forget to mention single mom." Soo-jung knew that it was a button she could press. Jessica didn't even flinch.

"My daughter is not a mistake and I would never consider her as one. But you, what you are about to do is going to ruin all the patient years you put aside for your career. Jongin is a good guy but no guy is worth risking everything for."

"Jongin is."

Jonghyun and S came back to the airport after walking through another slit.

He saw Jessica walking with a girl who looked a lot like Soo-jung. Genes don't betray in the Jung's. Jonghyun wondered what her name was when Jessica called out to the girl who was on her phone. "Eun-kyung, get off your phone and hurry up." The girl quickly put her phone into her jacket pocket.

"Trust Jessica to call her daugher a precious gem." Jonghyun was hopeful because whatever the problem must be between Krystal and Jessica might be, a precious gem of a girl was sure to be a reason to make up. 

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