Chapter 35 - PB&J's and Dancing

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Chapter 35 - PB&J's and Dancing

We talk as we ride in the pink car. Harry had been apologizing profusely for not having a better car on hand, obviously mortified. Of course I dismiss it with a wave of the hand. Obviously after a fit of laughter. The whole while, I'm running my hand over the silky dress, admiring the way it flows against my palm.

"What're we even doing tonight?" I ask curiously, looking over at him as he drives. He smiles slightly.

"Well, I made reservations at this great three star restaurant and bought us one class of ballroom dancing so we can still dance, and then we're going to a party."

"Really?" I gasp, astonished.

He smiles sheepishly, glancing over at me.

"Except they gave out our reservation."


"And.. I mixed up the dates on the ballroom dancing."


"And I may have lost the address and information about the party." He admits.

I laugh, shaking my head and rolling my eyes. Only Harry.

"Great going." I chuckle, looking forwards again.

"So I picked the next best thing." He quickly assures, nodding slightly to himself.

"Is that so?" I smirk, raising my eyebrow at him.

He grins widely.

"Peanut butter jelly sandwiches, Netflix, and an iPod." He states proudly.

"Wow." I say, nodding.

"Yeah." He replies simply.



"I'm allergic to peanut butter."

He falls silent.

"You're kidding." He says quietly.

I laugh, nodding. "Yes, I'm kidding. You should know, I kept bringing you Reeses in class, smart one."

His face flushes red, an embarrassed smile spreading across his lips.

"Are you gonna make fun of me the whole night?" He complains, jutting his bottom lip out in a childish pout, his brows furrowing deeply. I shift against the leather seat, snickering as I nod. "Of course."

"Go away." He whines, his voice half an octave higher. I laugh, watching as he glares poutily at the road.

"You're a meanie-butt." He sulks, shoulders hunching.

"I'm sorry." I try to say as seriously as I can, but I'm smiling anyways.

"I don't like you." He mumbles childishly.

I place my hand on his arm, trying to make my voice sound sincere. "I'm sorry, Harry."

He shrugs me away, sulking. "Don't touch me, I'm mad at you."

"No!" I protest, whining a bit.

He ignores me, staring at the road as he continues to pout.

"Harryy!" I whine, throwing my head back.

"You aren't nice to me." He states.

"I'm sorry, I love you." I try, watching as his lips twitch against a smile.

"Say you like my hair."

I look up at his curls that are styled up, pursing my lips.

"I'm not supposed to lie."

Broken || h.s. AU (old version)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon