Chapter 18- Alright

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Chapter 18 - Alright

Julia's P.O.V.


It's dark.

I can't see.

I can't see.

I'm alone.

Where is everyone?

Someone is supposed to be here. I can't remember who, but theres supposed to be someone at my side. I hear a faint echo of a voice in the distance. "Diana?"

I spin, searching for the voice amongst the dark fog. I feel claustrophobic, trapped in this eternal night.

"Diana?" I hear again, closer.

I blindly stumble towards the voice, desperate for reassurance I wasn't alone in this horrible darkness that seemed to go on forever. When finally, I feel my body smack into somebody else's and I stumble backwards.


Comfort immediately washes over me, the desperate need to run diminishing. I throw myself into his arms, his warm arms encircling me as they hold me closer.

"Hey, pips.." He murmurs, rubbing my back. I cling to him tighter, hiding my face in his shoulder. I don't want to acknowledge that we're still lost in the dark.

I only want Harry.

But suddenly, a light breeze pulls at me and a chill runs down my spine.


This is bad.

Something is going to happen.

"Harry." I choke, looking up to meet his confused eyes. "Harry, no. Run." I barely gasp out, my frightened eyes searching the darkness around us. "Bye, pips.." He whispers and I spin to look at him again.

A sad smile is placed on his lips and he steps back from me. I try to reach for him but suddenly theres a horrid shrieking.

I cry out in pain, my hands flying to cover my ears as I sink to my knees, desperate to block out the awful sound. I barely manage to remember Harry.

Harry's leaving.

I look up at him, seeing he's looking to the side, shock on his face. And suddenly there's white light. White light everywhere. And just as quickly as it had came, it was gone.

The shrieking stops.

My ears are still ringing and my eyes throb, struggling to adjust to the dark.


Where's Harry?

I crawl forwards on my hands and knees, hoping desperately to bump into him again or for my eyes to adjust to find him next to me. But suddenly, my hand brushes something.

But it's not Harry.

I immediately recoil, gasping.

It was wet.

It was wet and warm and sticky.

There's an odd smell. Like salt and rust. But then I know what it is.


I've just crawled into a puddle of blood.

And as soon as I realize this, the fog disperses and I can see. But I wish I couldn't. Harry is lying in front of me.

Broken || h.s. AU (old version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt