A Day in the Life

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I wake up hearing Clarke talking or well trying to talk to everyone up in space. I get up and feel the warm breeze on my skin. I just now notice the emptyness  in the bed beside me. A few years ago we found a girl on the ground. She too is a nightblood. Her name is Madi and since she has been with us we have been inseparable. She is my best and only friend since I could remember. My first memory isn't with Clarke, or my parents it's with her.

5 years ago...
I was out running around I was about a year and a half old. Since I had be able to walk I've been running. I had run away from Clarke chasing a butterfly . And Clarke tells me to this day that this what rememinds her of my mom all the time. All the sudden there was snap . I stop and I look around ant there in the tree is a gigantic tiger. I couldn't move I couldn't breath i couldn't focus. I was completely and fully paralyzed. And just as it  jumped out of the tree a spear comes and nails it in the chest. I was to stunned to do anything and I look over and their is a young girl about 6 and a half . She looks over completely and I guess she is satisfied with what she sees because she slowly make her way over to me. I guess not to startle me. "Are you okay?" She asks me. "Yeah I guess so" What's your name?" She asks. I replied by saying "why don't you tell me yours first"she chuckles a little "Madi" she said " Hi Madi I'm Tavia". Behind me I hear running behind me. Madi grabs me and holds me to her chest like she protecting me. And when Clarke came out we decided to let her stay with us.

Present day

Since that day she has always been with me. She has always protected me and I my only be 6 but if it came down to it I would die for Clarke or her. But back to my life . I walk outside into our camp. I see Clarke separating meat she gives me a smile "Good morning mini Octavia" I just roll my eyes. I see Madi coming in the rover back to camp. I run up to hug her as she gets out of the vehicle. ."Good morning Madi, I smile at her. Good morning sister, she replies "Come on Natblias were have a lesson" Both me and Madi groan. " O come on it's not that bad" Clarke replies. After about 4 hours of knife throwing, fighting,working out, practicing our trigedasleng,and trying to work on the radio. After training we lay down and just talk. The Clarke ask "Hey Tavia do you want to try and talk to the bunker maybe they can hear us Just not respond" " No  I'm just gonna stay here" Clarke looks sad maybe disappointed but I just don't want to talk with them i don't even think it works. " Hey Tavia how about we go hunting" Madi says "sure" I reply. When we get out far she sits down but I stay up. She looks at me and asks "why won't you try to talk to the bunker? "Because we don't even know if they can hear us" all right that's half the truth but Madi knows me better than anyone even Clarke "But it's more than that is it" " I guess I'm scared what if they actually do hear me," but I'm cut off "that would be a good thing" You don't get it " I scream o yeah I also have a Blake temper,""Then tell me""I don't know them I can't just tell them my feelings and ecept them to understand" I'm cut of again "but you talk to the ark all the time " yeah because they were with me for a longer time then my parents were." I think we should head  back not even giving her time to respond before turning on my heel and heading back to camp. When we get back to camp Clarke has already cook the meat and I grab a piece and start to eat but Madi goes over to Clarke I have great hearing but I only hear bits and pieces I know she is telling Clark what happened while hunting. All I hear is "She definitely has what you call the Blake temper" and "She's tough but she's scared" and Clarke saying "Well talk later" the rest of dinner is silent. After that we eat we sit around the fire and listen to Clarke tell story's I my not trust my parents but I love their story together. Clarke puts berries in our hair. after that we all lay down in the hut . I know once  go to sleep they'll start to talk to me but I can't bring myself to care to much. Well this was a fun day." I think before  unconscioness takes over me. I dream of running through forest but being stoped by echo on a white horse  with red blood stains all over it riding through the forest trying to get to the others in her arms a new born baby all I can think is thats me. All the sudden I start to hear my mother screaming and crying for me and my father joining her in tears. I can already tell this isn't going to be a good dream. I can also tell I'm going to be waking up screaming in a couple hours but for now I'm trapped in a whirlwind of torture in my mind.

I hope you like this chapter it took me forever to write. I wanted to show you her relationship with Madi and how strong her bond is with her because she is very important in the story. I will get into Clarke and her relationship later. I also wanted to show you how smart and wise beyond her years she is and how much like a Blake she . I can't wait to get more into the story but like and subscribe and vote I love to hear your opinion and what you might want to see in this book.

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