"I won!" You shouted. He lifted you in the air.

"We have our champion!" He said in a cute voice. You laughed endlessly until he put you down again.

"Come play volley ball!" The boys suddenly shouted from behind us. We both turned to see the boys staring at us.

"Ok!" We both shouted and ran to the game.

"Can I watch the first game?" You asked wanting to know how to play.

"Of course, sit right there in the shade." Jin said pointing to a spot near the net. You went and sat down. You were watching the game for awhile but then got distracted by a girl. She put her arms around a boys neck and put her mouth on his. Why would she do that?

"Y/N come play now!" The boys shouted. You snapped out of your thoughts and got up to join them. After a hard game your team lost. 

"Lets go on the jet ski!" Namjoon shouted pointing to a man lending them out. We all nodded and ran over.

"Y/N you should go with Yoongi." Namjoon said. You nodded and waited. Yoongi got on and you climbed on behind him. 

"Put your arms around my waist and hold on tight." Yoongi said. Obediently you wrapped your arms around his torso and pressed your body against him. Suddenly we where zooming around in the ocean.

"This is so much fun!" You shouted.

"Yeah!" Yoongi shouted. Eventually we had to go back to the shore.

"That was so fun!" You said to Yoongi once we both had gotten off. 

Yoongi's POV:

"That was so fun!" Y/N said to me.

"I'm glad you had fun." I told her and put my arms around her. Suddenly a small dog came up behind her and licked her ankle. She screamed and jumped into my arms. Immediately I caught her grabbing her thighs and letting her wrap her legs around my torso.

"What is that!" She shouted.

"Y/n it's a puppy it's ok." I told her. I set her back on the ground and bent down to the frightened little dog. I pet it calming it down. I reached up and took her hand and made her pet it. Her face broke out in a smile as she pet it's soft fur.

"Oh you found my dog!" Someone shouted.

I picked it up and handed it to the person.

"Thank you so much!" The person said and then left.

"I think I like puppies!" She said to me. I nodded.

"It's getting close to 4:00 we should head home guys." Jin said coming up behind us.

Y/N's POV:

"Aw what if I don't want to go." You said standing with my arms crossed and my feet apart. Jin smirked at something behind me, before you could turn around you felt something between my legs and then you was lifted off the ground.

"Then this happens!" Jungkook shouted. He was carrying you on his shoulders.

"Jungkook!" You shouted. Together we all walked to the car and put our stuff inside. Jungkook put you on the ground.

"Who here doesn't get an easy boner?" Jin asked. Immediately Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok stepped back. 

"Ok now that's decided who wants to ride with Y/N?" Jin asked.

"I guess she can ride me." Namjoon said with a smirk.

"Ok your ruled out." Jin said.

"I'm driving so it's either Yoongi or Taehyung figure it out." Jin said and then got in the drivers seat. 

"She's riding with you." Yoongi said to Taehyung and got in the car. Taehyung sighed and then got in the car after Yoongi. Carefully you crawled into Taehyungs lap.

"I'm not making any promises. Just because I don't get an easy boner doesn't mean I don't every get one." He said to the boys and wrapped his arms around your waist. 

"If you get one pass her to Yoongi." Jimin shrugged. 

"K." Taehyung said pulling out his phone. He let you watch a video with him while we drove. 

"We are almost home." Jin said. We all nodded. Your leg was beginning to fall asleep again so you decided to shift in Taes lap. Maybe if you move slowly he won't feel it as much.

Taehyungs POV:

We where watching a video when suddenly Y/N began to slowly back up over my dick. I bit my lip trying to just endure it and act like it didn't feel great. Her inner thigh lightly grazed the side of it making my spine arch. I grabbed her inner thighs and stopped her.

"Y/N moving slowly makes it worse." I told her. My voice was tight as I tried to not moan in pleasure.

"Sorry can I just move really quick then?" She asked. 

"I guess." I said. Suddenly she went back against me making a sigh escape my lips in pleasure. We are almost home I need to just wait patiently. I tried to focus my attention back on the video but all I could think of was the way her legs felt in my hands and how warm her skin was. 

"We are home." Jin said. He got out of the car and opened the door for Y/N. She shifted in my lap trying to get out of the car. 

"Y/N."I ended up moaning. Jin chuckled and pulled her out of my lap. I looked down and saw how big of a boner she ended up giving me. "Shit."I whispered under my breath.

Y/N's POV:

After your shower you went to Hoseoks room. He still owed you something. You knocked on his door.

"Come in." He said. You opened the door. He was sitting in bed watching something on his phone. You shut the door and got in bed next to him.

"I won the bet." You reminded him.

"Oh yeah. So what do you want from me?" He asked putting his phone aside and sitting up. You leaned close to his face and looked at his lips. You were about to put your mouth on his but then he stopped you.

"Y/N are you going to put your mouth on mine?"He asked. 

"Yeah."You said looking into his eyes.

"Are you sure you want me to be your first kiss?" He asked. Instead of replying you put your mouth on his. You didn't feel like anything but then he did it back and it felt good. He pulled away. 

Now you understood why that girl did that.

Innocence ~BTS X-reader~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن