~Chapter 3~ Blending In

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Sally showed us a room to hide in for now while we think on what to do just in case, when she opened the door a horrible strong smell hit my nose and flies were every where.

"Ewww." Faith said behind us.

I covered my nose in the progress, "What the hell died in here, rats?" As soon as I said that I heard Thomas clear up his throat and Sally hugging herself. Looking up that's when I noticed, two dead bodies on a mattress which I'm guessing were her parents laying on the mattress. I didn't even know what to say, so I stayed quiet and looked down with shame.

"So.. what are we going to do?" Sally interrupted the silence. Nobody spoke and I sat down on the floor, thinking as I close my eyes.

Think Lilly, think. Life... Smell.. No no, I don't understand uggh. Think Lilly you have to survive. Racking through my brain for answers I paced back and forth, i could feel a headache starting to form. There has to be something, the buzzing of the flies started to annoy me. And i can barely think from that damn wretched smell, ugh. It literary smells like death in here.


Anything that's alive they eat if you smell like life they eat you, unfortunately we don't smell like death.

"Oh my god Thomas!" I jumped up like a child that has just been given a bowl of ice cream-- at least for me hahahaha, I mentally laughed. They all looked at me as if I was insane... Maybe I was.

"You're a fucking genius, you asshole!" I walked towards him and slap the back of his head. "We don't hide or run away! We blend! They don't eat the dead so we have to be the dead, we have to smell like them!" I looked over towards the dead bodies in the bed... I don't know how sally would take this but if she wants to survive this its what we have to do. If not she can stay and die herself.

Thomas looked at me with a raised eyebrow, crossing his arms in confusion as a small laugh escaped his lips. "I mean i know I'm a genius. But the hell are you talking about?" Thomas said. I looked over at the dead bodies on the bed before looking back at Thomas. "Now hear me out when I say this but. If we cut open the dead bodies and use their blood to cover us, it'll mask our scent from the dead. They'll think we're just one of them, I mean you said it yourself Thomas. The dead don't eat the dead."

Sally looked at me for a few seconds, not quite getting it until after a few seconds it hit her. "No way, no fucking way are you going to cut open my parents. I won't allow y'all to disrespect their bodies like that!!" Sally yelled at me, her face turning red with anger. "Hey maybe you should keep your damn voice down, not like we have fucking things wanting to eat us." Markus exclaimed as Sally threw him the middle finger.

I sighed in frustration and pinched the bridge of my nose. Knowing this wasn't going to be a easy task. Walking up to Sally I placed a hand on her shoulder, "Listen, Sally i know you might not like the idea of us having to use your parents. But we have to in ord-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as Sally interrupted me."You don't know shit, imagine if it was your sister or that boyfriend of yours. Would you be so willing to cut them open?" Sally spat out, yanking her shoulder away from me. I wrinkled up my nose, now starting to get pissed off. Yes I get that this might be hard for her, but we don't exactly have time to coax her gentle into doing this. I could hear the walkers growing more vicious sounding by the minutes.

" Okay listen Sally. I'm going to be straight up with you, the only chance we have at surviving is cutting open your parents. Now you can either stay here and die or get with the program. Because you need to understand this is about survival and if you want to survive I suggest you get with it. And if you don't then oh well, either way we're doing this cause if you open your ears..." I paused for a few seconds, allowing her to hear the growls and snarls of the walkers. "We don't exactly have all day to come up with a better plan. I'm sorry but this is happening, whether you like it or not."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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