Just A Dream

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Me and the guys entered the hospital for the millionth time, it seemed. We came earlier today then usual because we all had plans later.  We entered his room not even bothering to asked the nurse anything, just like she never asked us anything, she knew why we were here. Same familiar scene, Andy, tubes, machines, no movement , gifts and cards most of which were signed  xx S xx. The writing was very unique I would know if I saw it again. After a half hour of sticking around the doctor showed up telling us some very bad news. I couldn't beleive what the doctor just told us. As Andy was in a veggie state for a year, the doctors have decided that if he doesn't break from his coma in a week. They are pulling the plug the doctor left and I snapped, I wasn't about to loose my little brother. Andy please bro wake up, I need you, C.C needs you, Jake needs you, Jinxx needs you. GOD DAMN IT ANDY, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, TO US, TO YOUR FANS WHO HAVE WAITED FOR YOUR ASS TO GET OUT OF A COMA FOR A YEAR!! ..."Dude, Ash calm down, there's nothing we can do, he's has a week to wake up or the doctors are pulling the plug, he was hit by a fucking truck, did you expect him to wake up like it was some kind of bad hang over" Jake said putting his hand on my shaking shoulders. "I agree with Jake Ash, I know how you feel, we all do but we can't do anything about it and yelling at a guy who can't hear you isn't going to magically fix things Jinxx said staying strong for all of us. C.C started to cry as did I as we watched our brother dying in his hospital bed. Please Andy wake up, I said weakly losing my strenght . Just as I said that I swore I saw Andy's finger twitch and I stared at him like I had eagle eyes and his finger twitched again! ANDY WAS WAKING UP!!!! After what seemed like hours which in reality was only 10 minutes. Andy was moving more, very small and stiff movements but he was moving. We pressed the nurse button and shortly after a nurse showed up. "He's waking up" C.C said excited to the nurse. The nurse checked on him, stopped his machines because he was breathing on his own now. After fighting for a few minutes his eyelids were twitching. Jinxx did him a favor and turned off the lights and shortly after my dark chocolate orbs met with his icy blue ones. I smiled big and hugged him half to death. Oh my god man, you scared the shit out of us, what the fuck happened. "I don't know, why am I here, where's Silence, where's Brealynn and Blade" he asked confused. I looked at him then looked at the guys. Um Andy we don't know anybody by those names neither do you. "Bull Shit Silence is my wife and Brealynn and Blade are our twins" he said angry like he was in on a sick joke. I shook my head , I'm serious bro, I have never met anybody by that name , you were probably just dreaming.

Andy P.O.V

What Ash said hit me hard, harder the the truck that landed me hear in the hospital to begin with. Silence didn't exist, our children did not exist, the love of my life was a lie that my own mind made up to cope with the fact that I was a veggie for a year. My eyes started to water, why, why me. I finally found the girl of my dreams, who loved me for me, who didn't care that I had money or not and stuck with me through thick and thin. She said I was her savior, but in the reality of my mind she was mine. It was a sick joke...that I played on myself. I never felt so low in my life. It was quiet as if my brothers were silently having a conversation on wheither or not I was a fucking nut case. Then a silent tap ame at the door someone was out side. The nurse smiled "right on time as usual" and she left as she entered .

Someone's P.O.V

I stared at the clock, waiting for class to be over. not highschool if your wondering. I've been out of that hell for over a year now. No I was in college Art college to be more precise, I was majoring in drawing, painting and manga. I picked up my stuff and ran for the hills to get out of there before anyone else. I was still a loner like in high school. I mean who want's to talk to a "emo", "cutter" smart, mute. The emo and cutter nick names aren't true. I've always stood for what I beleived in, even if it meant getting punched in the face, I never changed. Speaking of which, I smiled as I realised it was time to see my saviour, the leader of my favorite band, and my personal hero. I walked the 15 blocks to the hospital not wanting to deal with the bullshit on the bus. My writing pad clutched tightly to my chest as I entered the hospital. I was greeted by the staff upon entry, although I don't talk, they knew why I was here and didn't question it. But the head nurse looked at me with a "I know something you don't know" at least ...I think. "Come to see you "prince charming again ehh" she teased, my cheeks burned scarlet as I walked passed the laughing woman. Quickly heading to the elevator , I punched in the 6 button and rod the slow elevator with the shity music up 6 dreadful stories  My body went on autopilot, I didn't even look at the numbers anymore , I had reognized this hall and knew exactly where he was. 661 came and I stopped and lightly tapped on the door not expecting him to be awake anyways. I heard the nurses say that he probably never would. "Right on time as usual" his nurse said and she came out of the room and gave me a wink as I went inside. Holy....SHIT!!!!!!!! "OMG BVB is here in the room!!!! I REAPEAT BLACK VEIL BRIDES IS IN THE ROOM" the warning alarm rang in my head but I didn't listen as my hands lost their grip on my writing pad and pen. I quickly bent down to pick up my things and hugged them back to my chest.  "Hey who are you" C.C's curiousity rang through out the room. GEEZ C.C you don't have to talk to her like that obviously by the look on Andy's face, he seems to know her. I looked up and sure enough Andy eyes seemed kind of glazed over like a deer in headlights. How could he know me, he didn't even have time to say my name before he---it happened. I looked at him and smiled sadly, this is what I had done to him, he was here because of me. I motioned to the guys to wait a minutes and started to write.

 Andy P.O.V

*http://www.polyvore.com/familiar_stranger/set?id=127185499* *Mystery girl is wearing this :P*

Just as the nurse walked out a girl walked in. My breath caught in my throat. W-was it her, I couldn't tell, I was after all still getting used to seeing again even if the lights weren't on, you try not opening your eyes for over a year and see how well you start seeing! Slowly her frame started be become more clear as my eyes adjusted and I knew who she was.....it was..

Someone's P.O.V

Finishing the last bit of my short letter I handed it to Andy and waited as he read it outload.

Andy P.O.V

After writing furiously for a few minutes the girl handed a piece of paper to me and I started to read it to everyone.

"Hello Andy, my name is Silence, Silence Melody Byrd , I am 20 years old now but when I first met you I was 19, you've been in a coma for a year and 1 week. I wish I could speak to you formally but ironically my name and my current situation are linked because I am a mute. but enough about me I'm sure you and everyone here want's to know how you got here in if I have never done anything to gain such titles, it never ceases to amazing me how idiotic the human race can be. I was bullied allot in high school, you name it, it was done to me. But I never broke because I had your band to look up to. You guys were always my heroes, from the beginning that you started, I've adored your band. Last year my wish had finally come true, I had saved enough money to finally come see you and I did, front row seats, was amazing, I couldn't hear a thing but the music for hours and that what lead to your downfall. You see I wasn't SUPPOSE to go anywhere because I was apparently "grounded" the second I got enough money to see you guys because my foster parents hate me and you guys to the core and you make me happy which makes them despise you even more. I was walking back home when I passed a bar, a bar you and your band where at having a good time. You were out smoking when you first caught a glimpse of me. Shortly after that's when my foster "father" showed up. He tried to run me over, I couldn't hear him coming up behind me in his car because I couldn't hear. You however saved me and took the blow yourself. You flew across the highway, and another car slightly hit you as you flew. I thought you to be dead. Someone standing by saw it happen and called the ambulance, you've been here ever since...and so have I.waiting for a chance to properly thank my savior. 

A room full of emotion guy later after reading a letter she smiled and slowly opened her mouth and in a familiar but cracked voice she spoke. "Thank you for being my saviour Andy". 



















who thinks I should make a sequel? ;)

Be My Savior? *Andy Biersack*Where stories live. Discover now