Batman and Cuddlez =3 ♥

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*if you go to the external link, it's the homepage for my polyvore account, the "Batjammas" set is the one I'm using for this story. And also a warning for the all readers, there is some sexual content and vulgar language in implied in this chapter*

After a few minutes of Andy spinning me, he put me down because we were both getting really dizzy.  After my feet touched the floor the bus jerked and I flew onto Andy making him fall over on the couch, I turned red and quickly got up. I went to the bedroom where my things were...mine and Andy's bedroom.... and got some comfy clothes for the occation. After coming out in all my batified glory. I put the movie in and looked for a place to sit and made my way to an open spot when the bus jerked again and I was sent flying into Andy, well correction Andy's crotch. I now look like I had a sunburn on my cheeks my cheeks were that red. "Well I knew it was going to happen eventually, but don't you think it's a little to early to be doing those kinds of things Silence, especially in public, even I'm decent enough to get a room" Ash joked and lauth at me which was not helping my embarrasement. So I looked around for something to throw at him....the closest thing was Andy's combat boot....challenge accepted. I hurled the boot and it hit Ash dead in the forehead, needless to say he shut up. "OW WHO THE FUCK THREW THAT!!!"  Somebody would have answered him if they could actually respond because at the current time they were too busy rolling on the floor, couch or where ever they happend to be at the time, laughing their asses off. I looked at him all innocent and he glared at me but then got an all knowing grin on his handsome face. "I see how it is, you don't want anybody to know, I gotcha but it's to late know everybody knows that your giving Andy" I glared at him and held up the other boot, he shut up....mission accomplished. Jake started making popcorn and we had a sharing buddy, Andy was mine and since there was now no available seat,  I somehow ended up being on Andy's lap, I really don't know how I got here but I did but you can't really blame me, I don't think you would remember either.  Andy and I were snuggled under his batman blanket as we intensly watched the knowing it word for word, scene by scene but it was still our absolute favorite Batman because of all the action and darkness in this 1992 film from the filming gods called Warnerbrothers. I got Andy's attention without looking away from the screne, and I pointed to my mouth and then at the bowl of pop corn, he understood and with a deep, sexy chuckle he slowly dropped a few kerrnels of hot, buttery goodness in my mouth. I don't know when I did it or why but I some how ended up falling asleep during the movie. I remember cuddling up to the warm sorce that I completely forgot who it was in my state of exhaustion and passed out.


I was intensly watching Batman when I felt a light breath on my neck that made my hair almost stand on end as it sent a welcomes chill down my body. I looked to see Silence sleeping and it brought a smile to my face. She looked so peacful sleeping, like a real angel. Another breath had me choking on air, how long was this going to last before I get a.....never mind I already had one, stupid hormones. This was driving me insane, come on Andy you can do it, you can handle 10 more minutes of this, 10 more minutes and your free, 10 more minutes and HOLY FUCK THIS MOVIE NEEDS TO END NOW!!! I now glared at the tent in my pants cursing the hard muscle with every ounce of my being and the girl who was now sitting on top of it and hoped that she didn't wake up! I wasn't concentrating on the movie anymore, my mind was now completely occupied and certain things demanded my full attention. And another deep breath down my neck, I gasped outloud this time and now I had an audience for my problem.....oh joy. "Hey Andy, are you okay?" C.C asked concerned and I winced while bitting my bottom lip and shook my head. No not really, I answered honestly. "Ya havta take a piss or sumthin" Jake said and Jinxx agreed with him , again I shook my head.  "Then out with it man, the movies over anyways!" Ash said inpactient like always. Well Silence fell asleep on me and her breath keeps on tickling the back of my neck and now I have a hard on, I said slightly embarrased and the guys tried to conceal their laughter. "Hold on I got this" C.C said and gently took Silence from my lap lightening the load on my lower body. " Well jesus Andy, you weren't kidding were you?" Jinxx said, I chose to ignore him. "Go on and take care of that, I'll put her in bed" C.C winked at me....fuck my life.

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