The Big Surprise

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I smiled, I loved how long this tour was, thinking back to all the memories I had. It's been a full year now, and I've pretty much traveled the world, our next and last stop is back home in the US, currently we are in Florida again, because we all wanted to go to Disney World. I had alot of fun, the fans were amazing and very supportive of Andy and I. Our 1 year anniversary was coming up, it was the last day of our tour and I was excited about it. "What are you all smiley about" Sammi said with a smirk, she joined us about half way through the tour and we became best friends =3. I mouthed anniversary and she smiled and gave me a hug "your excited huh?" she chuckled. I blushed lightly but I nodded. We were waiting back stage for the guys to get off to head to the meet and greet which I come to often and people like to ask for my signatue and I still do the same one. It took them about an hour before we could go to meet and greet, and Andy hopped off main stage and gave me a kiss "you excited 3 more days?" I nodded and snuggled into him. and boy did those three days come quickly.


I put Silence to bed after she fell asleep on me and went back over to the guys. "You have to help me guys, I'm going to do something serious and I would really love your help" I said quietly to them. Jinxx grinned ear to ear "your going to propose then" he asked and I nodded. "HA! Ash, CC and Jake cough it up!" Sammi said as Jinxx and Sammi held out there hands and watched as 3 50 dollar bills ended up in there hands. "Thank you lovlies" Sammi cooed. I blushed, you guys betted on whether or not I was going to propose to Silence on our anniversary, I asked and they grinned and nodded. Anyways I need your help, I wanted to do a little scavenger hunt type thing, where she would get clues and have to eventually find me and then across from the stage, I was going to propose. They nodded thinking it was a good idea and I got to work on the index clue cards. Once I gave everyone there cards they split up and put the cards into place and it took about to hours total. Sammi your job is to make sure that she doesn't leave here and try to go to the stage and take her shopping and get her a really nice and rockin' outfit would you, I said and smiled at her and handed her 1500 dollars. She saluted me "sir, yes sir" and she put the money in her purse for safe keeping. I was so excited about tomorrow. I took her first index card and put it in an envelope along with the letter on the coffee table and waited for tomorrow.


I got up and quickly left with the guys to get ready for the concert, man the fans are gonna enjoy a extra treat today :).


I opened my eyes and looked around Andy wasn't next to me. I got out of bed and went to the living room, and got sad. Why did they leave with out me especially today. I looked down and noticed something on the coffee table. I stumbled over to the table because I'm still waking up and saw it was an envelope with SILENCE :) written neatly o the front, Andy's writting. I opened it and took out the letter.

My love Silence,

By the time you get this I will be gone and at the venue doing my concert. Do not be sad I did not forget about today. It was just you looked so beautiful and innocent in your sleep, that I didn't have the heart to wake you up. You are not alone thou, Sammi should be arriving shortly and you and her will be doing some things ;) . I love you baby, Happy Anniversary.

Love Andy

I smiled and whipped the tear that threatened to fall and ran to get ready, taking a quick shower and getting dressed. * A/N- , look up " ♥ Mustache ♥" *

I went out of my room and Sammi was there smiling at me on the couch. I hugged and I noticed something, even with the letter out, there was still something still in the envelope and reached inside and pulled out an index card, it was written by Andy.

Be My Savior? *Andy Biersack*Where stories live. Discover now