Twins and Confusion

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* A/N- just wanted to apologize for not updating in so long, I completely forgot that I was still writing this, because I had thought I already finished it :p silly me*

Silence P.O.V

If you have never experienced labour and you are pregnant my words of advise...buckle up. Because your about to seat yourself on a roller coaster through hell and back again!!!! After you check into your luxurious white room that smells likes old people, latex gloves and bleach, you receive a 5 star meal of ice chips because I'm really going to keep that down during the delivery. By the time you reach 10 centimeters, which I did rather quickly because of my twins, you want to scream but you can't and throw up your insides because of the pain. Entering the second stage of delivery you are in a terrible mood, you scream, cuss, and find that you are alot stronger than your lover thought as you break his hand in half as the baby is starting to head down the canal to break free from their 9 month prison. I successfully did that to Andy followed by a SHUT THE FUCK UP as he cried out in pain. Now Andy job of now is to quit his whining and bend me in half and telling me to push a baby from inside my body while grasping his broken hand into my non broken one. With each contraction imagine 500 volts of electricity being stabbed into your abdomen and yet your still forced to push a life form from your tired and sore body. When you start to peak or the baby head is starting to show out of the sore folds of your torn vagina, the doctor goes from having a Ph.D to straights F's, like the sight of a child being born has suddenly made them retarded. More hand crushing, pushing and mental illness ensues and hours pass and finally I had birthed my first of two...the little girl which i named- Brealynn Victoria Biersack. She was shipped off by a nurse to make sure she was ok as I started pushing my second. From 3 hours to just 10 minutes my second born was breathing the fresh air and a gave a sigh of relief not wanting to go through another 3 hours of pushing, screaming etc.  And thus Andy had deemed him Blade Vennix  Biersack . finally taking a breather I thought it was over. WRONG!! 20 minutes after giving birth to Blade, I gave birth to the afterbirth- the placenta , which felt like peeing a liquidy solid substance. It didn't hurt but it felt terrible.....and I had to do it twice. Finally after 4 hours of being in pain I was able to be with my children and husband. *photo* (obviously not mine) There was laughter , hugs, kissed and tears...lots of tears. Our friends were allowed in in small groups to hold the babies, and they all gushed with cutness overload, especially CC. After 2 days I was allowed to go back home with my kids and Andy stuck to his promise and held his last show for free for bailing out on his fans, plus there was going to be a surprise at the end. ;) I was with Blade and Brealynn at the venue, they had ear muffs so it wasn't as noisy. When they got fussy I would take them outside to be away from the noise and hum the lullaby my mother used to hum to me when I was little. *Video* It works like a charm everytime, I got back inside just as Andy was finishing up. I handed the twins off to Uncle Jeffree and Jayy, who didn't refuse. I waved Sammi and Lauren to come with me so they could be with their mans.

Andy P.O.V >>FF>>

We just got done with our last song and on the dot Silence came out with Sammi and Lauren and I smiled big and tackled her as CC and Jinxx did the same, the the crowd as our background music as we shared a kiss. I held the mic to my lips, instant silence and so I started my speech. I just want to thank all of the bvb army for being here for me and my band, and my wife and all of our friends, we've had some up and down times but I really can't ever thank you enough. This tour has been absolutely amazing but sadly it is coming to the end as this is our last show for a while because I'm taking a break to be with my two beautiful children for a little bit. Until then keep on and hold strong and never give in! The crowd ruptured with battles cries of an army which I held dear the one that I started the family that was second to my own. Just a few more things to discuss but that will be delivered by my ever so strong and beautiful wife Silence, so with out further ado, I give you the MISSES and handed the mic to Silence as the crowed roared again. It died down and she started to speak "why thank you for such a introducing love, got the crowd all roudy for me, anyways I just wanted to bring to every ones attention that today will will have two new special guests at the meet and greet today , they are very small, cute, cuddly and they love to meet new people and their names are Brealynn Victoria and Blade Vennis Biersack." Holy shit the crowd screamed like it was mass murder day at a rock fest in the middle of a mosh pit! Silence laughed, "yes I'm sure your all very excited just as I am to make this next announcement that Andy and I are going to share with all of you". Instant silence.."Will C.C, Jinxx, Sammi and Lauren please step forward". With confusion written all over their faces the 4 of them stepped up at the front stage. "Dudes and Dudettes of the BVB Army and family please held me by giving a round of applause to my twins new godparents! Emotions were EVERYWHERE!!! The crowd was screaming , clapping and crying. Sammi and Lauren were in hysterics as they latched on to my wife. CC and Jinxx bro hugged the fuck out of me to where I didn't think my lungs were going to work. Then they switched, just as my lungs were getting breath Sammi and Lauren hugged me and C.C and Jinxx hugged Silence. Many tears, hugs and claps later Silence said her goodbyes to the crowd and we exited to get ready for the meet and greet.

>>FF>> that "night"

I crawled into bed next to a very tired Silence and kissed her softly. You having given me the world, your love , two beautiful children and so much more, how can I ever repay you, I said as the water started to flood my eyes. she smiled up at me, taking my breath away in an instant. "There is one thing you can do for me baby". I smiled, what is it, say the word and it's done, I said as a promise. She leaned over to my ear and whispered "please Andy wake up". Her words echoed in my head leaving me confused and slowly Silence voice didn't sound like Silence's voice any more. "Andy please bro wake up, I need you, C.C needs you, Jake needs you, Jinxx needs you. GOD DAMN IT ANDY, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, TO US, TO YOUR FANS WHO HAVE WAITED FOR YOUR ASS TO GET OUT OF A COMA FOR A YEAR" Th-that sounded like Ash..."Dude, Ash calm down, there's nothing we can do, he's has a week to wake up or the doctors are pulling the plug, he was hit by a fucking truck, did you expect him to wake up like it was some kind of bad hang over" J-jake.."I agree with Jake Ash, I know how you feel, we all do but we can't do anything about it and yelling at a guy who can't hear you isn't going to magically fix things...J-jinxx.. The sound of hysterical crying ...gotta be C.C...What the fuck is going on!?!?

* A/N- >:D MUAHAHAHAHA , there is only one more chapter!!! Stick around to figure out what is going on. *

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