"How can I help you Naruto" I asked hoping that I can at least have a conversation with my old student "I've brought my report from my last mission" he replied straight to the point, I truly wanted to cry at that very moment when the war finished I did notice that he was distancing himself from everyone else and I always promised that I would speak to him but then.....there was rumours off Sasuke wanting to come back and since I've always regretted not being there for Obito nephew I needed to make up for it, by the time I remembered about Naruto he had completely shut me and the rest of the village out, the only one he would speak to was Sakura but even she wouldn't tell me anything

"Thank you, I'll go over it now" I answered wanting him to stay as long as possible "I will be ready to take another mission the day after tomorrow Hokage-sama" Naruto commented before bowing his head slightly then disappearing without a sound, that is another thing that's different about him he never stays in the village any longer than three days and whenever I've refused him a mission he still disappears, so no-one can find him and yet Sakura always knows where he was, I've even asked for her opinion about what to do with him but she never answers me, I've seen him using jutsus that I don't remember him having and when I ask about his training or what he was working on, he just says that it's personal, nothing I say makes a difference with him and it saddens me to know that he's not comfortable talking to me about anything, and though I really don't wish to admit it but maybe I am to blame for him pushing away from me, as his sensei I know I often pushed him aside to help Sasuke but surely he knew that if he needed my help, all he had to do was ask me and I would, I finished off with Naruto's mission report before leaving for the night, as always his report is top quality and he's managed to retrieve another scroll that was stolen many years ago

The next morning started out like every other day, I had a civilian council meeting in the morning, simply to go over supplies for the village and taxes, for some reason the civilian's think they can get away from paying taxes and just charge they're customers extra to cover it, now though if any of the shop keepers are caught doing it, they're names would be placed on the notice board in front of the Hokage tower for everyone to see, a few years ago I decided to separate the two sides that make the council, only because the civilian's use to think that they had a say in shinobi matters, I never wanted to deal with what the Third Hokage had to, both side trying to out do the other with ridiculous ideas and laws that only benefitted them, this way both sides know they're place and it seems to be working out better than I thought, though the civilian members still argue about it now and again but nothing would make me change my mind and with Danzo gone, the civilian council lost a lot of power within the village, since it was discovered that he was the one who was giving SS-rank secrets away to them or other villages

My morning took a nose dive at noon, when Anbu appeared and told me -sort of shocked- that there was an Sasuke Uchiha here wanting to see the Hokage, I blinked at the Aubu in front of me and wondered why he was here "let him in but be on guard" I ordered, I knew from the rumours about him, that he had been sticking close to Fire Country but no-one knew why, in my head I have a feeling it was because of Naruto but I couldn't be sure, my door opened and there walked in my ex student still with the same narrowed look he had when he was a fresh faced genin, it's strange even though I made more of an effect to train him, Naruto was the one who surpassed both of his former teammates, I've even heard that he helps out in the Torture and Interrogation Department, but with everything else he never mentions it

"Why are you here" I asked knowing full well that he never wanted to step foot in Konoha again but here he was, those rumours I heard after the war, was just that...rumours "I've done what I planned to do and now wish to come back" Sasuke stated firmly, I raised an eyebrow and watched him closely "you have made it quite clear that you never wanted to return to Konoha, so why now" I replied even though it would be good for the village to have another strong shinobi {though the most important thought was that all of my students would be here again} I thought slowly, wondering if having him back would bring Naruto back, he never answered my question, he just stood there though I had a feeling I already knew why he was here, Naruto hasn't taken any missions to bring him home for quite awhile and I wonder if he wants to know the reason for it "you will be placed on probation for 6 months at the same time you will stay with...." I was cut off when he said "I'll stay with the dobe" suddenly old memories of team 7 training, when the nicknames dobe and teme would fly every few minutes between the two boys

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