Revealed Secret's

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#2957+words Edited 13/01/2020

A/N there is going to be different POV's in this chapter so I hope it isn't too confusing for you - Jayne

Naruto POV

I sighed in relief when our mission was finally over and we could go home, these last few weeks have been annoying plus the fact that my so-called team mates and Sensei have been giving me a headache "Naruto have you even been listening to me" someone shouted which pulled me from my thoughts I looked up and saw it was Hatake, I shook my head "no" I replied simply which of course confused the others but I don't need them to know about my secret only jiji knows about it "baka pay attention when sensei is talking to you" Sakura screamed loudly, I simply just looked at her and raised an eyebrow "that's rich coming from someone who never fucking shuts up, so other people can talk or maybe you just want the attention" I answered coldly before walking away "Naruto where are you going" Hatake asked still looking shocked, I looked over my shoulders "since we are finished I'm leaving because honestly I can't stand being near you lot for much longer" then I carried on walking.

I need to go to see jiji about me having a few days off since its nearly that time of month (and no I'm not talking about how women have their time of the month) every few weeks I have this sudden urge to kill shall we say, I didn't tell jiji at first not wanting him to worry about the council finding out but after it continued to happen I eventually told him, again he wasn't happy that I kept it a secret but he agreed that others didn't need to know, he has tried to get me to tell Kakashi but I've never felt like I could trust him, so with that in mind I walked quickly to his office hoping to catch him before his meeting, when I got there I ignored the secretary who has always hated me I knocked and I could tell that it surprised her but I took no noticed and when I heard the "come in" I stepped inside "ahh Naruto-kun I was wondering when you will be coming to see me" the aged Hokage said smiling softly I smiled as well but not as wide has I pretend to

Don't get me wrong, not everything I do is a lie but I am stronger than what I pretend to be, it's just with someone like Sasuke on your team who thinks that he deserves everything, Sakura who wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut which means the council would find out and try to cause trouble and Kakashi has never tried to get to know me at all, even though he knows who my parents were, especially since my father was his sensei, I sometimes wish I could trust one of them but I can't and that's just the way life is "I was wondering jiji if I could have a few days off" I asked bringing myself out of my thoughts, I knew what I had said surprised the Anbu who was hiding "so it's come around again" he questioned sadly all I did was nod since there was no point in trying to denial it since it's been going on now for nearly 5 years and every year I've been on my own

I waited in silence hoping that my request isn't going to cause him any trouble, the silence was broken when I heard the old man sigh "I wish this was different Naruto-kun, I thought that you would of shared this with your teammates but since you haven't there must be a very good reason why" he whispered looking down "I don't trust them jiji, they haven't earned my respect and that goes for Hatake as well, I respect certain Aubu members because they have never harmed me some even protected me as a child" I answered truthfully not really bothered that the Anbu gasped at my completely changed attitude, for the last few weeks the mask that I've worn for so long has started to break all because of my so-called team and I know that it wont be long before it goes completely, though I've been thinking that maybe it's time for it to go, that way I wouldn't be giving myself an headache with how I act because seriously acting like an idiot all the time, is hard work

"Very well then but I hope your coming back and that I don't have to come looking for you this time" he teased but I could see the sadness in his eyes and also the threat that he would go looking for me if I didn't return but I always have...well okay except once and he never lets me forget it, no-matter what this place has done to me I will always protect it in memory of my parents "yes I'm coming back, I just need a few days to take my anger out on shouldn't worry old man I'll be fine I always am" I replied smoothly which made the sadness not disappear completely but it lessoned if only a little, after talking and figuring out all the details I left but not in my normal way I vanished in a circle of wind again shocking the Anbu which caused me to smirk [well at least I can still shock people] I thought gleefully.

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