Pretty Kitty

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Sasuke POV

I can't believe this has happened, how the heck am I suppose to get out of this problem, right now you are probably wondering what could be causing Sasuke Uchiha to panic well at the moment I'm running away from a bunch of kids who wants to pull my tail.....and I did say tail as in a fucking cat tail, all I remember was meeting up with Kakashi sensei because since I've been back in the leaf, I've had to have someone shadow my every move until they think I'm not a threat, when after not even talking for 10 minutes I suddenly felt drowsy and when I woke up I was well a cat, [I'm seriously going to kill him when I get my hands on him] I thought angrily trying not to let anyone see me because that would be extremely embarrassing especially if it was Sakura was the one to actually take me home

Well that was 8 hours ago I've been running round the village trying to find someone that can take this stupid jujus off me but I haven't been able to and now it's getting dark, I mentally sighed because I'm starting to get hungry and cold but I don't know we're I could go to be safe for the night with someone I could trust, my day didn't get any better because no matter where I went the stupid kids kept pulling my tail and it fucking hurts, I really don't think this day can get anymore worse "hey kitty, why are you shivering, are you cold" I heard behind me and that made me froze because I only know one person with that angelic voice, I felt the angel pick me up and then I realised that I can't let Naruto see me like this or he'll never let me forget it I tried to scratch him and get out of his hold but he wouldn't let me go "easy there buddy I'm not going to hurt you" he whispered softly holding me to his chest, I thought about what I could do but maybe this is my only chance to find something out about my beautiful blonde and I was completely ignoring the fact that it felt amazing to have his hands on me, even if I was a cat

"Come on I'll take you to my house to warm you up" he said before placing me inside his jacket which I discovered was very warm also I could smell him without him asking too many questions, he ran over the roof tops for a few minutes before we finally made it to his house, he walked inside and gently placed me on his bed, he stared at me for a few seconds before speaking "I don't want you to get sick so maybe I should give you a bath to warm you up" he muttered to himself while walking into his bathroom, my eyes widened....[a bath.....Naruto is going to give me a bath] I thought surprised but I couldn't stop all the dirty images from entering my head

I silently cursed Kakashi because if I wasn't a cat I could be getting a bath with Naruto and enjoying his delicious body but I can't, I growled which came out like a hissing noise thinking about my current situation that I didn't notice my blonde coming back into the room with a towel round his waist but I did finally notice him when he placed me in the bathroom, I stared at his perfect body and thought if I was human I would've just slammed him against the wall and fucked him senseless "come on buddy I know cats don't like water but I promise to keep a tight hold of you" I heard breaking me out of my thoughts.

When I looked back at Naruto I found him in the bath completely naked and looking very yummy, he carefully grabbed me I meowed trying to look scared I knew it was wrong but when am I ever going to be this close to him without him freaking out, then he did something I didn't think I would ever see.....he kissed me well on my head but still he kissed me I squealed like a fangirl inside but on the outside I tried to look unimpressed, he sighed "you know if you were human you'd get on well with an old friend of mine, not like it matters anymore" he said sadly looking off into the distance, I mentally frowned when he said that [why would he say that] I thought feeling confused wondering who he was talking about to make him look like that

I must of been to into my thoughts because I didn't notice Naruto getting out the bath until I saw him standing in the middle of the bathroom completely naked with water droplets running down his body from his hair, as I openly stare at him I could feel myself getting aroused "come on kitty time for bed" he said picking me up and walking to his bed, my fur was still wet so he placed me onto his chest and dried me with the towel he smiled when he finished "there you go now you won't get cold" he muttered before going quiet, I've known him for years and I've never seen him this quiet before and I was truly worried because to me Naruto being quiet was like Sakura not being a fangirl, which is completely and utter shit, so why is he like this

I looked at him and froze because at the moment with him sitting on his bed looking out the window and all the while the sun was setting, giving him an angel like appearance, his eyes were beautiful when we train together I sometimes get lost in those ocean blue eyes, when I left for those three years he was the only one I wanted to see, his eyes has haunted my dreams and fantasies every night but I've noticed since I've been back he doesn't interact with me much and that bothers me more than I realised "I wish I could keep you kitty" he said gently while stroking my chin softly, I couldn't help purring at the touch but what he said finally registered in my head

"It would've been nice to have someone to look after besides myself for a change, to prove that I wasn't a failure but I couldn't even bring my best friend back to the village, so the stupid council sent a 'professional' to bring back their precious Uchiha" he grumbled but there was a deep sadness, my eyes widened when they found me I asked why Naruto wasn't among the party but Sakura was and she said he didn't want to come, I knew something wasn't right but I pushed it to one side until I could talk to him but Sakura is always around, she even started to wear less clothes and now she's more annoying than ever but there is only one person I want and that's Naruto, even if I have to leave this village again I'm taking him with me

I want to talk to him and tell him how I feel so that I could look after him, when he fell asleep I slowly slipped out of his hold and ran to Tsunade office where I knew she would be "ah Sasuke I see you have finally decided to come" she said angrily, though I wasn't sure why, I nodded quickly "do you want me to release the justu" she continued again I nodded my head determined to claim my blonde beauty before the night is over "very well" she muttered before everything turned black, I woke up and realised I was still in the hokages office I jumped up and looked outside "you were only asleep for an hour" I heard behind me I turned my head a little and saw Tsunade standing by the door, I nodded thinking that I still haven't lost the moment to take what's mine I smirked and Tsunade saw this gave me a knowing look "go get him and make him happy" she said before leaving the room

I quickly left the office through the window and ran back towards the blondes apartment, determined to make him happy and not let anyone hurt him anymore, it's weird but I always thought that I was stronger than Naruto but when I think about what he has had to suffer because of this village sickens me even worse when he still protects it, I can't believe it took me three years to realise that all I've ever wanted was right in front of me, and the only reason why he was always getting stronger was because he never gave up, he is probably the only one who wanted me back for selfless reasons, when everyone else justs wants the last Uchiha here and don't get me started on Sakura......but right now all I could think about was what I'm going to do to him when I finally get my hands on him



I hope this was ok and don't worry there is a second part to this - Jayne x

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