Thing's Change

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#5205+words #goodSakura Edited 01/06/2023


Naruto POV

Things have changed in Konoha in the last few years, over time people have forgotten that I even exist but that is only my own fault since I'm never in the village much now, to me being in the village makes me feel like I'm in a cage and they're my guards, so whenever a mission comes in and it's for outside the village walls, I take it, I seem to be the only one who would take more SSS-class missions but to me that's the whole point of being a ninja, growing up I wanted to become the Hokage so the people of this village would notice me, but as time went on I didn't want them to notice me, I'm happy being in the shadows, now I seem to crave the quietness of the darkness and the peace that comes from solitude, the only one who I ever seem to speak too is Sakura, who has been married to Rock Lee for a year now and were expecting they're first baby, I actually asked her why she bothers talking to me and I was surprised by her answer "I already lost one member of team 7, I don't want to lose you as well" and because of that she is the only one who I've kept in contact with, with Lee coming close since they are married after all

That comment also made me think about the other member of team 7 Sasuke Uchiha, I haven't taken any missions that involved bringing him back for three years now, which according to Sakura actually shocked the rest of the Konoha 12, I had already moved on from my childish ways and that included him, the team leader for team 7 Kakashi Hatake is still in the village actually he's the Hokage now after Tsunade retired, so she could focus more on the hospital but even in that time I don't speak to him unless he gives me an order, Sakura once told me that it hurts him to know that I won't talk to him but I knew that it wasn't because he wanted to speak to me but because of who my father was, it's not like he really paid me any attention when he was team 7 sensei, so I don't feel like I need to have a conversation with him other than going on my missions, I even change my appearance whenever I do go into the village simply because it's easier for me to continue with my peaceful existence

I know Sakura doesn't truly understand why I want it this way, and deep inside I'm glad she doesn't, we were both brought up differently, where she had the loving parents, a home and even friends, I was living on the streets and was an orphan, during our academy days she thought life was easy and that her parents would always protect her and in some way she was right, but outside this village there are people who would kill her just because she's from Konoha and that was something she didn't understand, I think she finally understood a little during our chunin exams but even that wasn't enough to bring her out of her fan-girl ways towards the Uchiha, until he turned traitor and join the snake bastard, he nearly killed and if wasn't for me she would've been dead, of course it took her awhile to truly understand that but in the end she did and gave up any feelings she had towards the Uchiha {though I've often wondered if she was in love with him and just listened to the stupid ideas her mother told her growing up} I thought silently, I looked over the village as the sun is slowly setting before Shunshin to the Hokage's office 

Kakashi POV

I sat in my office looking out the window over looking the village and sighed for the third time within half an hour, the years has gone by and whilst some things have stayed the same, others have changed, though that is mostly just one thing that has changed so much, Naruto my sensei's son {what went wrong, I made sure he was placed on my team, so why is he so indifferent to me} I wondered not for the first time, I've tried speaking to him about his personal life but he would quickly get the subject back onto his mission report, I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock at the door "come in" I called annoyed that someone was disturbing me, I brightened up when I saw the very person I was just thinking about "Naruto" I said happily {as he's gotten older, he looks more like his father} I thought softly, as I stared at him silently "Hokage-sama" he nodded slightly, I mentally frowned at the fact he hasn't called me sensei in years, Sakura still does it but Naruto has refused to do so

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