Undercover (Part 2)

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#2014+words #goodSasuke Updated 12/01/2020


Sasuke POV

After leaving Naruto I went home quickly desperate to know what was in the scroll that Naruto had kept safe for me all these years, a part of me is wary about what I will find and another is hoping that Itachi did really care about me, I sat down and just stared at the scroll for awhile not really sure why I was hesitating opening it, as I sat there I was remembering of my memories with Itachi and it made me so angry that the council are responsible for taking my big brother away from, I took a deep breath before biting my thumb since the scroll could only be opened by my blood I held my breath as the scroll glowed and then slowly opened to reveal my brother's handwriting I held my breath as I began to read it

Little brother,

If you are reading this it means I'm no longer in the village to take care of you, I know I wasn't a very good brother to you in the end but I need you to know that what I did was needed to be done and since I was the only one who knew what they were up to it made sense, also by reading this scroll you have probably already seen the memory I left behind because that is the only way that Naruto would ever have given you this, so before I say anything else I want to tell you that I'm sorry for hurting you that night, you were not meant to be home because I knew you were the only one who I would never be able to kill, I hope you know that you were the only one I wanted to protect, I've always just wanted to protect you Sasuke

Now I know your probably thinking why so I'm going to tell you......I had over heard father talk with Danzo about training you into the perfect shinobi but at a price, if you've seen the memory you know that me and Naruto didn't have a choice in what we wanted, everyone always expected me to be the best and it got to much for me and if you know about Naruto being in the Anbu, then you know how much colder and harsher he is than what he pretends to be, I couldn't let you go down that path only because father wanted more power and Danzo wanted to be able to control a sharingan user, they tried it once with me when I was younger but I was more smarter than them, so to make sure you had a choice in what you want to be, even writing this I know you would want to take your revenge on me for what I did but at least make your life, your future what you want and try not to end up like me and Naruto

Never allow the council to get an inch of control over your life Sasuke because they will never allow you to have any freedom, they will try and pressure you into an arranged marriage again which they tried to do with me, they even made a bet on who would kill Naruto when he was only two years old, I hope that when you are reading this that the council nor Danzo have any power still because in the village those are you two biggest enemies, if they are still around be careful and be smart when your around them, don't let them see that you hate them or disagree with them....I'll give you a little hint, work from the shadows just like Naruto did

Speaking of Naruto.....try and be friends with him, during his training I had to watch as the spark in his eyes faded to nearly nothing as his training became harsher, he was never given the chance of a childhood like we did, you are the only one who could possibly understand what he went through, this is probably not going to make what I did any better but I hope you now understand why I did it and I hope one day you will forgive me but for now forget about what has happened and think about your future.....more importantly find someone to love (and yes I do know about your little crush on Naruto) and don't forget that I love you and no matter where I am you will always be my little brother


I sat there and cried I couldn't help it after hating my brother for so long to know he only did it to protect me was hard to understand, remembering what Naruto said I burnt the scroll and the last thing I had from my brother was gone "do you understand now" I heard someone say I lifted my head and saw Naruto standing in front of me looking sad "you knew why he did it" I asked already knowing the answer he nodded slowly and then did something that shocked me, he bent down so we were eye level and simply wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled into his chest "just this once let it all out" he whispered and before I knew it I was crying loudly, like my heart was breaking knowing I couldn't even tell Itachi that I understand, he didn't say anything all he did was hold me and for some reason I liked being in his arms then I remembered what Itachi wrote in the letter.....try and be friends with Naruto...... find someone to love

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